7 Words to use with peels

Take a little strong white gravy, with some of the whitest sellery you can get, cut it about an inch long, boil it whilst it be tender, and put it into the gravy, with two anchovies, a little lemon-peel shred, two or three spoonfuls of cream, a little shred mace, and a spoonful of white wine; thicken it up with flour and butter; if you dislike the sellery you may put in the liver as you did for chickens. 64.

Boil the sugar and water together for 10 minutes; put in the pulp, boil for another 10 minutes; then add the peel cut into strips, and boil the marmalade for another 10 minutes, which completes the process.

Now garrisoning some solitary peel-tower, now hiding in some unfathomed cavern, now issuing with uplifted lance from the haggs of some deep moss, Konrad engaged with ardour in every desperate foray, and his daring made him the idol of the wild spirits around him.

SEE Dolch, Edward W. LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB, INC. SEE Macy (George) Companies, Inc. LINCOLN, JOSEPH C. The peel trait.

At this important bit of repartee, the King of Boyville so forgot his royal dignity that he let an orange-peel drive at Jimmy Sears, and pretended not to hear her.

You know what the border peel castles are like, I have no doubt.

SAUTÉD MUSHROOMS Wash, peel caps and stems of one pound of mushrooms, drain dry between towels.

7 Words to use with  peels