283 collocations for designate

All the Strangers that dwelt in the land, were tributaries to the Israelitesrequired to pay an annual tribute to the government, either in money, or in public service, which was called a "tribute of bond-service;" in other words, all the Strangers were national servants, to the Israelites, and the same Hebrew word which is used to designate individual servants, equally designates national servants or tributaries.

It was a frequent termination of certain adjectives among the Romans,as of those designating a person following the sea, or given to rural pursuits.

By that term is designated any man who does not belong to either of the above three.

"What do you hask for it?" asked the planter indifferently, designating the house by a wave of his whip.

I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect.

If it were required to designate the owners of this species of property among them, it would be little more than a catalogue of slaveholders.'

Just designates a class of rules or principles of which the social utility has been found by experience to be paramount and which are recognized to be so important as to override all considerations of immediate expediency.

That is the great lesson the male bird learns while the female is sitting on the eggs and maturing into life the new creatures whose birth and being shall make this little loving couple happy in the way the good God has designated one form of happiness shall come to His creatures, be they with or without feathers.

This period is not obscurely hinted at by their great Confucius in the second chapter of his Mundane Mutations, where he designates a kind of golden age by the term Cho-fang, literally the Cooks' holiday.

Each one of you can ride your regular 'string' this year"alluding to the term used to designate the group of several horses used exclusively by each individual rider working on a round-up.

By reference to the practice of the Government it is found that from its first organization the Secretary of the Treasury, acting under the supervision of the President, designated the places in which the public moneys should be kept, and especially directed all transfers from place to place.

To designate the subjects of government, about thirty-three times.

Thus, the marks [Morse code: .-.] designate the letter A.

Male designates sex and is used of animals as well as human beings.

Oftentimes, however, both were retainedwith such modifications in meaning that thereafter they designated, not the same object or idea, but different forms or aspects of it.

To establish and regulate a fire department; to purchase apparatus for extinguishing fires; to construct water-works; to designate limits within which wooden buildings shall not be erected; to regulate the manner of building and cleaning chimneys, and of disposing of ashes; and generally to enact such necessary measures for the prevention or extinguishment of fires as may be proper.

2. A Supreme Court and District Courts in each territory. "Constituting" these courts involves establishing them, designating the number, appointment, and salaries of the judges, and the powers of each court.

The great principles of his practice were that disease is to be overcome by that which is contrary to the disease itself,hence the name Allopathy, invented by the founder of Homoeopathy to designate the fundamental principle of the general practice,and that nature is to be preserved by that which has relation with nature.

And in every realm, growth and decay, life and death, seem so to intertwine and oscillate that it is very gratuitous to designate the total process as being one or the other.

In battle officers and sergeants endeavor to preserve the integrity of squads; they designate new leaders to replace those disabled, organize new squads when necessary, and see that every man is placed in a squad.

Just as the names of Ampère, Volta, and Watt have been used to designate certain properties or things discovered by them, so the name of Morse is immortalized in the alphabet invented by him.

The first of these documents was a proclamation from the President of the United States, saying that in response to numerous appeals he designated the fourth day of January, proximo, as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer.

This naturally led to a general dislike of the Surat cotton, and to the application of the word 'Surat' to designate any inferior article.

He designates the target, and, when practicable, allots a part of the target to each platoon.

As I shall shew in the next chapter, any terms which we employ to designate the test of moral action and the objects of the moral feeling are indefinite, and must depend, to some extent, on the subjective interpretation of the individual.

283 collocations for  designate