9 collocations for quail

Heavily falls the sound of the midnight bell upon my shrinking ear; upon my withered, quailing heart, it is felt in every stroke like a thunder-bolt; and the rude, reckless shout, heard, though far distant, as distinctly as the fearful throbbings of that miserable heart, tells but too eloquently that the faggots have reached their place of destination, and that the fearful pile is even now erecting.

"Why look ye, brother, I am not what I was aforetimenon sum quails eram I was bred a shaveling, a mumbler, a be-gowned do-nothingbrother, I was a monk, but the flesh and the devil made of me a bowman, heighoso wags the world!

So country wenches pushed and strove amid the throng, and dainty ladies leaned from canopied galleries to shudder with dread or trill soft laughter; but each and every stared at one who stood alone, 'twixt armed guards, so young and fair and pale within her bonds, oft turning piteous face to heaven or looking with quailing eye where stake and chain and faggot menaced her with awful doom.

"Ever on deadliest peril shines the Star with steadiest ray; Ever quail the fiercest hunters when Kargynda turns at bay.

He looked at his wife and quailed a little at the thought that had suddenly come upon him.

Vaunt, bloody cur, nurs'd up with tigers' sap, That so dost seek to quail a woman's mind.

Five years hence, bears and deer will be a tradition, panthers and raccoons a myth, partridges and quails a vain and melancholy recollection, in what shall then be known as what was once the Pines.

You said you did not like his looksthat he Would trouble us; if he were here again, I swear the sight of him would quail me more Than twenty armies.

For ask another, he sees no such matter: Dic mihi per gratias quails tibi videtur, "I pray thee tell me how thou likest my sweetheart," as she asked her sister in Aristenaetus, "whom I so much admire, methinks he is the sweetest gentleman, the properest man that ever I saw: but I am in love, I confess (nec pudet fateri) and cannot therefore well judge."

9 collocations for  quail