160 collocations for stabbed

He was too modest to sign his name to it, but here he is, all the samea fellow who tries to bring ridicule and contempt on his own side; who stabs a man in the dark, and in the daylight professes to be his friend.

For when I love, the slight offence, though fleeting may be the smart, Is heinous as the treacherous stroke that stabs a faithful heart.

"We want him," said Gobel; "he stabbed my son a little while ago, and I want to arrest him.

Sharp, short flames of orange and scarlet were stabbing the darkness.

" He crawled on his belly, stabbing his knife into the ground.

Oh! it was cruel, cruel, cruel, to stab a husband, and a fatherwasn't it, Robert?What say you, Nickshall I give you more medicine?You'll die, Indian, unless you take itmind what a Christian woman tells you, and be obedient.

The organs of circumspection, prurience, foresight, were sadly deficient in Heisig, who, in a drunken fit, had stabbed his best friend.

When Macbeth is confirming himself in the horrid purpose of stabbing his king, he breaks out amidst his emotions into a wish natural to a murderer: Come, thick night!

Sometimes a man will stab the girl he loves, if he cannot get at her any other way.

Joe Rix leaned forward, and to emphasize his point he stabbed one dirty forefinger into the fat palm of his other hand.

He tried to stab the bear, but his knife handle was also rotten and broke, so he turned and ran; and the bear pursued him.

Why have they put into my hands, these last three years, books worthy of a free nation?books which call patriotism divine; which tell me how in every age and clime men have been called heroes who rose against their conquerors; women martyrs who stabbed their tyrants, and then died?

He had drawn his knife to stab his mother-in-law, she quickly placed her arms over her breast and chest and received the wounds, two strokes, in them, and thus saved her life.

I am therefore in a state of nature: for, so far as there is no law, it is a state of nature: and consequently, upon the eternal and immutable law of justice, which requires that he who sheds man's blood should have his blood shed, I will stab the murderer of my father.'

Why this is brave, Far better than to fawn at Gustus' table For a few scraps; no, no such words as these By Pluto, stab the villain, kill the slave:

One of the most eager conspirators was Subrius Flavus, an officer of the guards, who suggested the plan of stabbing Nero as he sang upon the stage, or of attacking him as he went about without guards at night in the galleries of his burning palace.

Holmes was wounded, probably by B.R. Wilkinson; and the Judge, having left the room for an instant, returned, and finding Rothwell contending with his brother, or bending over him, he (the Judge) stabbed Rothwell in the back, and inflicted a mortal wound.

Not in the field of battle, like a hero, But murdered by thy sonwho, ever cruel, Afterwards stabbed his brother, young Aghríras, So deeply mourned by thee.

" On the 28th, of April 1836, in the city of St Louis, Missouri, a black man, named McIntosh who had stabbed an officer, that had arrested him, was seized by the multitude, fastened to a tree in the midst of the city, wood piled around him, and in open day and in the presence of an immense throng of citizens, he was burned to death.

Thus Cæsar gathered his Robe about him, that he might not fall in a manner unbecoming of himself: and the greatest Concern that appeared in the Behaviour of Lucretia, when she stabbed her self, was, that her Body should lie in an Attitude worthy the Mind which had inhabited it.

Men might be seen stabbing little infants, and even children were known to slaughter their companions.

For this he was seized, and as he tried to stab Dionysius, he was condemned to instant death.

" "Didn't you tell the Grand Jury that Hassoun stabbed Babu with a long knife?" "I dunno heem!"

But ceremonialism more and more encrusted the restored nation; and Jesus was needed to spur and stab the conscience of his contemporaries, and recal them to more spiritual perceptions; to proclaim a coming "kingdom of heaven," in which should be gathered all the children of God that were scattered abroad; where the law of love should reign, and no one should dictate to another.

At this Eanes drew a large dirk knife, and stabbed Smith in the abdomen, the knife penetrating the vitals, and thus causing immediate death.

160 collocations for  stabbed