3413 examples of absorbs in sentences

The roots of this immense tree fill the ground, forming a thick sponge that absorbs and holds back the rains and melting snows, only allowing them to ooze and flow gently.

The artful negress absorbs all the affection of her master, whilst the legitimate wife is left as a widow, and is obliged to wait upon these pampered slaves, whose insolence knows no bounds.

It assumes all things, absorbs all things, expects all things, and disappoints in everything.

A great poet who appears in illiterate times, absorbs into his sphere all the light which is anywhere radiating.

Now, as it is admitted that our dense atmosphere, however dry and clear, absorbs and reflects some considerable portion of the solar heat, we shall certainly underestimate the radiation from the moon's surface during its long night if we take as the basis of our calculation a lowering of temperature amounting to 100° F. during twelve hours, as not unfrequently occurs with us.

In the "great scene" of The Thunderbolt, on the other handthe scene of Thaddeus's false confession of having destroyed his brother's willthough there is, in fact, a great peripety, it is not that which attracts and absorbs our interest.

In short, it absorbs moisture most through the frog and sole, particularly in the region where the sole joins the wall.

The war party mustering at that point absorbs all attention.

The reason why they are so affected is, because all things of the affections, whether delightful or undelightful, are perceived in that world, and on some occasions as clearly as an odor is perceived by the sense of smelling; for the inhabitants of that world have not a material body, which absorbs such things.

Derbent, situated more to the north, cannot keep up with it, and it absorbs almost the entire maritime traffic of this sea, or rather this great lake which has no communication with the neighboring seas.

On the south and west the stair turret absorbs one of the outer divisions.

The trees break the force of the rain drops, and the forest floor, acting as a large sponge, absorbs rainfall and prevents run-off and floods.

no longer absorbs the radiations corresponding to the region of the spectrum where the band question appeared.

They're especial friends of mine, and I shall do the best I can for them, even though my mercantile rivalry with you absorbs, of necessity, so much of my energy.

"There is a legend of a Bononian stone which being placed in the sun absorbs his rays and emits them at night.

What is wanted is hard and interesting workwork that absorbs one's mental as well as physical strength.

" Gaspard, taking everything in a large sense, remarked, "When the sublime once really appears, it then, by its very nature, absorbs and annihilates all little circumstantial ornaments."

The business of "getting on" absorbs the entire time and attention of the men.

Good macaroni when put into hot water absorbs a portion of the water, swells to nearly double its size, but perfectly retains its shape.

Always put to cook in boiling liquid, taking care to have plenty of water in the saucepan (as it absorbs a large quantity), and cook until tender.

It should not be allowed to remain in close proximity to any substances of strong odor, as it very readily absorbs odors and gaseous impurities.

Never use an unlined wooden box of any kind, as it cannot easily be kept fresh and free from musty odors, which bread so readily absorbs.

And it must be said that daughters themselves, before matrimony absorbs their daughterhood and relieves them of their mothers, seem to be in the main content with the calm and limited existence which their relations and the voice of tradition assign to them.

Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented.

History, natural history, and books of travel are followed by the plays of Shakespeare, Lessing, Goethe, and Schiller, while Gesner's idyls charm him, and he absorbs the stories and romances of Wieland.

3413 examples of  absorbs  in sentences