1720 examples of accordance in sentences

All methods of training and education must be in accordance with these views.

In accordance with this conception, all later Hun dynasties deliberately disowned Shih Lo.

Fu Chien, as a Tibetan, was a militarist and soldier, in accordance with the past of the Tibetans.

Confucianism had been restored in accordance with the Chinese character of the state.

and see how the waving trees and waving grass, in mute accordance, keep time with the hymn!"

The Individual is thus idealized, when, in the complete accordance of all its parts, it is presented to the mind as a whole.

It would at least have been in accordance with the rest, animated with the superstitious enthusiasm of the surrounding crowd; and especially as sacrificing Priests would they have been amazed and awe-stricken in the living presence of a god, instead of personating, as in the present group, the cold officials of the Temple, going through a stated task at the shrine of their idol.

Edgar is lost in the quick-sands at Kelpies Flow, in accordance with an ancient prophecy.

[Illustration] In the novel called The Bride of Lammermoor, by Sir W. Scott, Edgar is lost in the quicksands at Kelpies Flow, in accordance with an ancient prophecy.

Tennyson makes Bellicent the wife of Lot, but this is not in accordance with any of the legends collected by Sir T. Malory.

The matter of Dr. Arnott's work, however, appears to us to be in strict accordance with its titleelementary; but it is accompanied with a variety of explanations of familiar facts on philosophical principles, which possess attractions of a most amusive character.

The exhibition called the Diorama is merely a large painting prepared in accordance with the principle now explained.

"When our natures are in harmony with spirit-matter throughout the spheres," he would say, "our impulses will always be in accordance.

He would dilate eloquently upon the bliss of living in accordance with the spiritual harmonies.

Moreover, the repulsion will be produced when the current in the magnet coil is rising to a maximum in either direction, and attraction will be the result when the current of either direction is falling to zero, since in the former case opposite currents are induced in the disk, D, in accordance with well known laws, and in the latter case currents of the same direction will exist in the disk, D, and the magnet coil.

* NOTE BY THE ARTIST The painting illustrates a form of rock-cut tomb which, though not so common as others in the neighborhood of Jerusalem, is nevertheless selected as being in accordance with the description of what took place in the present instance.

Lamb had sent it to Coleridge for his Poems on Various Subjects in 1796, and Coleridge proceeded to re-model it more in accordance with his own views.

He fashioned the body peculiarly, in accordance with the old Tuyla mystery, and the body was as perfect as Manuel could make it, in all ways save that it had no head.

No doubt, the severance of the entail, if made at all, would be made in accordance with the young man's wishes, and on certain terms which should be declared to be just by persons able to compute the value of such rights.

You have to confine yourself to the evidence, and must give your verdict in accordance with that.' John Caldigate, as he heard the words, told himself at once that the judge had, in fact, desired the jury to find a verdict against him.

Mrs. Bolton, though prone to grasp at power on every side, was apt, like some other women who are equally grasping, to expect almost omnipotence from the men around her when she was desirous that something should be done by them in accordance with her own bidding.

She was a thinker equal to any of those whose names stand forth as the representatives of the philosophy she accepted, she was as competent, as they to think out the problems of life and to interpret social existence in accordance with their theories of man and nature.

When the poets accept such a theory, and naturally express themselves in accordance with its spirit, the people may soon feel and think according to its meaning.

She has not only been able to follow these men, to accept their theories and to understand them in all their implications and tendencies, but she has so absorbed these theories into her mind, and so made them a part of all its processes, that she has painted life thoroughly in accordance with their spirit.

As Lewes begins his philosophy in feeling, he holds that the final object of philosophy is to develop feeling into a perfect expression, in accordance with the ideal wants of man's nature.

1720 examples of  accordance  in sentences