482 examples of addict in sentences

Being much addicted to smoking, he generally every day finished many pipes.

There was Benny, who had done the killing, a degenerate, a morphine addict, and a thorough-going scoundrel.

The ostensible drug-addict looked up dreamily, then opened his eyes wide, with surprising docility rolled out and, uttering no word, lurched to the fan-tan table.

" "Sir?" "Gussie is an orange-juice addict.

By some of his powerful friends he had been urged to obtain a seat in Parliament, and addict himself to a public life; but he valued his tranquillity too highly to comply with their solicitations.

Though I have not been in the country of these Tartars, I have been informed that it is flat and agreeable, having neither hill nor mountain; but the inhabitants addict themselves excessively to robbery and plunder, as their sole occupation, and continually infest the borders of Russia and Circassia by predatory incursions.

Men lose their high aspirations as they lose their intellectual tastes, because they have not time or opportunity for indulging them; and they addict themselves to inferior pleasures, not because they deliberately prefer them, but because they are either the only ones to which they have access, or the only ones which they are any longer capable of enjoying.

The lot of those (who have been addicted to that lust), after death, is miserable, since they have not the inmost principle of life.

Persons addicted to this lust make light of adulteries; wherefore they think of the whole female sex as of a common harlot, and of marriage as of a common harlotry, and thereby mix immodesty in modesty, and from the mixture grow insane.

[*] [*Note: Mr. Spears expresses this wonderful circumstance in these remarkable words "I was (said the colonel to me) effectually cured of all inclination to that sin I was so strongly addicted to, that I thought nothing but shooting me through the head could have cured me of it, and all desire and inclination to it was removed, as entirely as if I had been a sucking child, nor did the temptation return to this day."

Mr. Webster's words on the same subject are these "One thing I have heard the colonel frequently say, that he was much addicted to impurity before his acquaintance with religion, but that, so soon as he was enlightened from above, he felt the power of the Holy Ghost changing his nature so wonderfully, that his sanctification in this respect seemed more remarkable than in any other."

He informed me, that he had early withdrawn his attention from foreign trifles, and that since he began to addict his mind to serious and manly studies, he had very carefully amassed all the English books that were printed in the black character.

"Every one," repeated the hopeless addict.

Had it been disclosed to her that Wilbur Cowan, under the chaperonage of EdwardSpikeBrennon, 133 lbs., ringside, had become an addict of these affairs, a determined and efficient exponent of the weird new steps"a good thing for y'r footwork," Spike had saidshe would have considered he had plumbed the profoundest depths of social ignominy.

She softened no word of Winona's strong language, and she betrayed something like a guilty pride in revealing that her child was now a hopeless tobacco addict.

Professor Redwood was one of those scientific men who are addicted to tracings and curves.

And having known people addicted to drink, she regarded his solicitude for distinction in learned societies as an excellent substitute for the coarser form of depravity.

The belief that negroes are particularly addicted to eating pork is well founded, as witness the sales of pork to colored people in most any meat market.

COCTEAU, JEAN. Opium; the diary of an addict.

COCTEAU, JEAN. Opium; the diary of an addict.

Evidently the remedy was insufficient, for not long after the absent owner wrote: "I am very sorry that so likely a fellow as Matilda's Ben should addict himself to such courses as he is pursuing.

When, after marriage, he becomes addicted to habitual drunkenness; 5.

That he would choose this waste, this barren ground, To teach the thin inhabitants around, And leave his truth in wilds and deserts drown'd? There has always prevailed among that part of mankind that addict their minds to speculation, a propensity to talk much of the delights of retirement: and some of the most pleasing compositions produced in every age contain descriptions of the peace and happiness of a country life.

The situation, calmly reviewed, was one probably never paralleled in the history of adventuremore like the dream of a hashish-smoking addict than cold reality.

Sometimes only the threat of such riddance was used, as when an overseer complained of one slave, and his master replied, "I am very sorry that so likely a fellow as Matilda's Ben should addict himself to such courses as he is pursuing.

482 examples of  addict  in sentences