1009 examples of adult in sentences

The new-born child differs in nearly all particulars from the adult.

It is very unfortunate that the child in the past has been regarded as a miniature adult and treated like "a little man.

All of these things make of the child an individual so different from the adult that he must be treated in accordance with his own nature and needs and with little regard to the way in which an adult is considered.

All of these things make of the child an individual so different from the adult that he must be treated in accordance with his own nature and needs and with little regard to the way in which an adult is considered.

Show that the infant is not an adult in miniature.

What are some important differences between the child and the adult?

Even the adult who fails to practice the details of the various activities connected with his vocation until they result in effective habits of work will usually fail, while the man who has mastered the details of his occupation through reducing them to a series of effective habits will surely succeed.

Think how difficult it is for the adult, but how easy for the child, to acquire skill in music, or facility in speaking a foreign language.

In 1865 "there was not one elector for each four inhabited houses, and five out of every six adult males were without a vote."

"Adult music," he said, balancing his wine and sliding next to her.

"All music is adult," she said, "with the possible exception of disco.

"You could define adult life as the struggle not to drink too much," he said to Mo at Hee Hing's the following week.

"I guess," Joe said, putting the napkin ball on the table, "if I wanted to be adult about it, I'd say she was too high strungone of these people with major league talent but without the courage to use it.

Now, she felt reborn as an adult.

One of the guests was quite astonished to see his servant recite a piece of poetry which he had learned for this occasion.[10] Confining his operations to the kitchen, another such teacher of this plantation was unusually successful in instructing the adult male slaves.

To this extent General Coxe of Fluvanna County, Virginia, taught about one hundred of his adult slaves.

of the adult Negroes had the rudiments of education in 1860, but the proportion was much less than it was near the close of the era of better beginnings about 1825.

In 1850 there were in the slave States 58,444 adult free Negroes who could not read, and in 1860 this number had reached 59,832.

His band is estimated at one hundred and eighteen souls, of whom thirty-four are adult males, forty-one females, and forty-three children.

The adult portion of the miserable company determined at last to go no farther with their heartless master, but to resist unto death if need be, before they surrendered themselves to the galling chains they had so recently broken, or writhed again under the torturing lash of the slave-driver.

He cried out upon them gaily, with the indulgence of an adult who looks on at children's play.

I am correctly informed, that a planter in Virginia, who counted, I know not how many slaves upon his plantation, confessed on his death-bed, that his licentiousness had extended to every adult female amongst them.

It is important to a clear understanding of the whole subject, to keep in mind that adult Jews ordinarily became servants, only as a temporary expedient to relieve themselves from embarrassment, and ceased to be such when that object was effected.

He had found Jack's energy very energetic indeed, but not suited for adult use, and he even found himself wondering why he had not thought of that before.

During the greater part of the time I spent in the principality the entire male adult population was on the frontier, or fighting just beyond it, and, when a messenger was wanted, the official took a man out of the prison and sent him off, with no apprehensions of his not returning.

1009 examples of  adult  in sentences