8 examples of akh in sentences

Bit-Karra-basa, son of Hea-habal-idin, Governor of the town of Isin; Babilayu, son of Sin-mustesir, Chief; Malik-akh-idinna, son of Nigazi, Chief of the ru-bar; Tab-asap-Marduk, son of Ina-e-saggatu-irbu, a Scribe; Zikar-Nana, son of ...

"Akh!" he thinks, "I'll show them to-morrow what a leader I am!

and then he even crossed himself and said: "Akh, that one ought to have lived!

Take that, you old sleepy-headed svinya proclatye!)any e-vil thing; let me not be occupied with any evil works (Akh!

Fifty-six, for instance, is "Nee-akh-khleep-kin-meen-ye-geet-khin-par-ol-in-nín-míl-li-gen," and it is only fifty-six after it is all pronounced!

But my resources were not yet exhausted, and I hurled monosyllable, dissyllable, and polysyllable at their devoted heads, shouted "Akh!

Akh Chort yeekh!

" "Akh! Neilza!"

8 examples of  akh  in sentences