177 examples of chansons in sentences

I can make chansons, ballades, lais, virelais, and roundels, and I am very fond of wine.

It is to the sort of light pieces that are given here, that the French music is peculiarly appropriate, and it is here that you seize and feel the beauty and melody of the national music; these little chansons, romances and ariettas are so pleasing to the ear that they imprint themselves durably on the memory, which is no equivocal proof of their merit.

Two circumstances contributed to this change,a change which could not have been anticipated; for the Trouvère fabliaux and romans promised only epics, and the Troubadour chansons and tensons promised only lyrics and dramas.

Hugo is often pompous, shallow, empty, unreal, but he is at least an artist, and when he thinks of the artist and forgets the prophet, as in "Les Chansons des Rues et des Bois," his juggling with the verse is magnificent, superb.

Barillon describes the book in what is nearly a translation of this"Il y avoit des secrets de magie et d'enchantment, avec des chansons des recettes pour des maladies et des prieres."

PIRON, poète français, auteur de satires, de chansons, etc. (1689-1773).

MEHRING, WALTER. Die Gedichte, Lieder und Chansons des Walter Mehring.

The a cappella singer, mixed voices; a collection of motets, madrigals, chansons, carols, ayres, ballets.

Chansons sans musique.

SEE Carolina chansons.

Chansons populaires harmonisees par E. Bouillon.

The author, basing his inferences on an exhaustive study and comparison of the Chansons de Geste of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, draws the following general conclusions: "Girlish shyness is not a trait of the daughters, least of all those of heathen origin.

Love plays an important role in nearly all the Chansons de Geste....

On marche ainsi en silence, à moins que ce ne soit la nuit, et que quelqu'un ne veuille chanter une chanson de gestes.[Footnote: On appeloit en France chansons de gestes celles qui célébroient les gestes et belles actions des anciens héros.]

Et surtout de songer, lui, vainqueur des Espagnes, Qu'on fera des chansons dans toutes ces montagnes Sur ses guerriers tombés devant des paysans, Et qu'on en parlera plus de quatre cents ans!

VIII LA TOILETTE D'ISORA Cris, chansons; et voilà ces vieilles tours vivantes.

Comme au sombre océan arrive tout ruisseau, Le sort donne pour but au festin, au berceau, Aux mères adorant l'enfance épanouie, Aux baisers de la chair dont l'âme est éblouie, Aux chansons, au sourire, à l'amour frais et beau.

Nevertheless, he has retained the characteristic incident of the chivalrous behaviour of Roland in sending for a new sword for his enemy and in giving him time for rest, a trait which finds a parallel in many other Chansons, notably in the story of the battle of Roland with Ferragus, a Saracen giant.

Roland's sword, Durandal, which was given him by Charlemagne, plays the same part in the French Chansons as Siegfried's sword Balmung in the Nibelunglied, or Excalibur in the Arthurian cycle.

Les Chansons des rues et des bois.

"His poetical works," says Professor Saintsbury, "consist entirely of chansons political, amatory, bacchanalian, satirical, philosophical after a fashion, and of almost every other complexion that the song can possibly take" (1780-1859).

Then he set out for Babylon, or Bagdad, for, with the visual mediaeval scorn for geography, evinced in all the chansons de gestes, these are considered interchangeable names for the same town.

Northern France, the home of epic poetry, also possessed an indigenous lyric poetry, including spring and dance songs, pastorals, romances, and "chansons de toile."

Bédier, Les chansons de Croisade, Paris, 1909, p. 16.

Bédier, Chansons de Croisade, Paris, 1909, p. 112.

177 examples of  chansons  in sentences