68 examples of chawing in sentences

" Said this pious man: "If old GREEN don't chaw his words, I'll bust his gizzard.

"I should like to know excessively if there was really such a person as Baron Mun-chaw-sen?" said Julietta, gathering courage from the success of her last question.

cannibal: Whose jaws swell to his eyes with chawing malice, And him

Never at such meate; it goes downe without chawing.

"I reckon we done bit off more'n we can chaw," Harvey Gosse murmured, rubbing his bristly chin.

I'll bet my hoss agin a chaw of terbacker that them boys hain't heerd a shot we've fired, an' dunno we're within five miles on 'em.

"I seed his big mouth right clus to my face, an' his jaws wide open; so I rammed my left arm right in a 'tween 'em, so that he couldn't git no purchase onto me to chaw, and he hadn't really he

"Better be hurryin' up; we've got ter be a-goin', as soon as I put this chaw er terbacy on that Mexican feller's leg; nothin' like it to take the sore out, you know.

De devil Bear chaw pine

Yet in the old days these twenty miles were a great gulf fixed between the Gloucestershire natives and the "chaw-bacons" over the boundary.

You must larn to chaw baccy and drink grog, and then you knows all a midshipman's expected to know nowadays.

He hadn't much chance to show what he could do, for the rustlers found they had bitten off more than they could chaw, and they skyugled after he had dropped one.

" "Yes," assented Budd, "they bit off more'n they could chaw, and so lost the hosses.

The man who laugh'd but once, to see an ass Mumbling make the cross-grain'd thistles pass, Might laugh again to see a jury chaw

" "May this choke me," says Jack Shea, "if I didn't think that 'twas a piece of a leather breeches when I saw Andy chawing it.

They'd just as soon chaw one on ye up as eat their supper.

Will no one chaw these fine official Jacks up? * *

Mosely, are you heeled?" "Do I chaw terbaccy?" asked Mosely, ironically, clearly insulted at the suggestion that he would travel without a gun.

The minute he done it, the tiger let out a yell that you would have heerd a mile off, and, afore Sam could get out of the way, the tiger smashed right out of the cage and was among the people, chawing them up.

He went clean over, and landed among the women and children, and begun chawing 'em up.

All this time the tiger kept on chawing.

called Jim, clambering to his feet; "he'll spring right through and chaw you up, quicker'n lightning.

"Just watch him chaw up the horses and the man!" whispered Jim.

"He means to chaw us all up," said Jim.

The "chawing up" of our fleet was not referred to again.

68 examples of  chawing  in sentences