60 examples of chita in sentences

We arrived at Chita without further incident of importance.

I was rather surprised to find that the Jap traders had established themselves at Irkutsk, as their headquarters were at Chita, which was also the centre of their agent, Semianoff.

Try they did, and under the influence of the Bolshevik guns booming along the Urals and of Royalist conspiracies at Chita a piece of paper was produced with a number of names upon it which seemed to bear the resemblance of a working arrangement between these two opposites.

2. I have since been informed by the officer commanding the Russian guard that all traffic between Irkutsk and Chita was stopped by order of General Semianoff, and that the trains were searched for the exiles after we had passed, but I have no evidence in support of this.

I advised him to say to the Japanese that the change of Government had also involved a change of policy, and that it would be inadvisable for the Japanese to advance beyond their position at Chita until the subject had been further discussed.

All commanders obeyed these orders more or less except one, General Semianoff, whose headquarters were alongside that of the Japanese at Chita, from which he sent insolent refusals to recognise Koltchak's authority.

I well remember his fury when it was reported to him that some eighty workmen had been illegally flogged by Semianoff's soldiers at Chita.

The day that I arrived at Chita it was officially announced that Semianoff had made his submission to the authority of Koltchak, and had accepted an appointment in the Russian Army.

His forces were ranged around Chita, and his influence and authority extended from the Manchurian border to Lake Baikal.

CARMEN, the fisherman's wife who, in Lufcadio Hearn's story Chita, adopts the baby dragged by her husband from the surf, and takes it to her heart in place of the child she has lost (1889).

CHITA, the child orphaned by the fearful tragedy detailed in Lufcadio Hearn's Chita: A Memory of Last Island.

CHITA, the child orphaned by the fearful tragedy detailed in Lufcadio Hearn's Chita: A Memory of Last Island.

Chita Campbell (C); 6Aug68; R440827.

Chita Campbell (C); 7Oct68; R445187.

Chita Campbell (C); 15Aug68; R441833.

CAMPBELL, CHITA. The borrowed cottage.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 3Dec73 (17 USC sec.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 3Dec73; R564543.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 3Dec73; R564544.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 3Dec73; R564545. R564546.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 3Dec73; R564546. R564547.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 3Dec73; R564547.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 14Dec73; R565826-565828.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 13Sep73; R558875. R558876.

Chita Ormond Campbell (C); 13Sep73; R558876. R558877.

60 examples of  chita  in sentences