3005 examples of coaches in sentences

The coaches and chariots which line the street give earnest of the families already assembled from Princess Ann to Fairfax and the Northern Neck.

"All the coaches are full with the men going down," Spavin said.

Is any night-walk comparable to a walk from St. Paul's to Charing Cross, for lighting and paving, crowds going and coming without respite, the rattle of coaches, and the cheerfulness of shops?

Wal, these I.W.W.'s an' their German bosses hev put it all over the early days when rustlin' cattle, holdin' up stage-coaches, an' jest plain cussedness was stylish.

People who were then glad to ride on a pillion now drive their coaches; men who thought ale a luxury, drink their port; aye! and those who went barefoot must have their shoes and stockings, too.

" The report went over the land as fast as the mails in that day of stage coaches could carry it, and made a profound impression on the minds of the people.

On a still summer's evening, the distant sound of the hurrying coaches, on the great London road, are heard as they pass to and from the metropolis.

Its DRAWING-ROOM and SLEEPING-COACHES on all Express Trains.

Its DRAWING-ROOM and SLEEPING-COACHES on all Express Trains.

Its DRAWING-ROOM and SLEEPING-COACHES on all Express Trains.

A French writer who visited England during the severe frost in the year 1688, says, (in a small volume which he published in Paris,) "that besides hackney-coaches, a large sledge, or sledges, were then exhibited on the frozen Thames, and that King Charles passed a whole night upon the ice.

Hackney coaches plied there as in the streets.

At the end of each train, in passenger-coaches, their officerstall, slim-legged young Olympians in leather puttees and short tan greatcoats, with their air of elegant amateurs embarking on some rather superior sort of sport.

To-morrow night sleeping-cars go back againmore significant than one might think who had not seen the France of a few months ago, when everything was turned over to the army and people sat up all night in day coaches to cover the usual three hours from Dieppe to Paris.

They were going out in carriages, hacks, coaches, on foot, by train, and in many other ways.

And whereas up to fifty years ago Burford was a rich country town, famous for the manufacture of paper, malt, and sailclothenriched, too, by the constant passage of numerous coaches stopping on their way from Oxford to Gloucesterit is now little more than a villagethe quietest, the cleanest, and the quaintest place in Oxfordshire.

It was through these old-world places, past these very walls and gables, that the mail coaches rattled day after day when they "went down with victory" conveying the news of Waterloo and Trafalgar into the heart of merry England.

A few of the rich men who lived on the big plantations had coaches; and now

To be sure, their dresses are so made only to sweep the tapestried doors of châteaux and palaces; as those odious aristocrats of the other side do not go draggling through the mud in silks and satins, but, forsooth, must ride in coaches when they are in full dress.

They needed supplies, and, to meet this demand, the firm of Russell, Majors, and Waddell put a daily line of coaches on the road from Leavenworth to Denver.

Early morning witnessed a procession of hackney coaches, laden as though we were bent on permanent emigration.

The habits of the Americans being essentially gregarious, and business teaching the truism that a cent saved is a cent gained, hackney coaches are comparatively little used by the men; for it must be remembered that idlers in this country are an invisible minority of the community!

We took it coolly, allowing the rush of passengers to land first; and then, having engaged two "broths of boys" with hackney coaches, we drove up to the Congress Hall Hotel, where, thanks to our young American cicerone, we were very soon comfortably lodged, with a jolly good dinner before us.

What, indeed, are steam-engines, macadamized roads, man-traps that break no bones, patent cork-screws, and detonating fowling-pieces, safety coaches and cork legs, but luxuries, at which a cynic would scoff; yet how could a modern Englishman get on without them?

The coaches stretched far out beyond the station into torrid sunlight.

3005 examples of  coaches  in sentences