230 examples of deum in sentences

Some of the pages may be to them instructive, and may give them new ideas on such points as the structure of the Hours, the Collects, the Te Deum, the Anthems of the Blessed Virgin, etc.

The Hymn Te Deum " XXXII.

Canticles Replies of Biblical Commission on Psalms Versicles and responds (Title XXIV) Absolutions and blessings (Title XXV) Lessons (Title XXIV) Responses (Title XXIV) Rubrics and Symbolism Te Deum (Title XXXI) Texts and Intentions CHAPTER II.LAUDS AND PRIME TITLES (XIV AND XV).

At sight of these signals of possession the sovereigns sank upon their knees, giving thanks to God for this great triumph; the whole assembled host followed their example, and the choristers of the royal chapel broke forth into the solemn anthem of Te Deum laudamus.

Sic turn vita erat, aegros visere, mox domi in musaeo se condere, officinam Vulcaniam exercere; omnes medicinae partes acerrime persequi; mathematica etiam aliis tradere; sacra legere, et auctores qui profitentur docere rationem certam amandi Deum."Orig.

Deum pius adoravit, qui est.

Columbus returns, freighted with wondrous tidings, to the Spanish shore; the nation rises and claps its hands; the nation kneels to bless its gods at all its shrines, and chants its delight in many a choral Te Deum.

The Pope, though at this time hostile to Louis, celebrated a Te Deum.

Si tibi probauimus Christum verum Deum et hominem esse, qui legem posuit inter homines, et Machometus è contrario venit, et legem contrariam docuit, si sapiens sis optime scire poteris, quid de eo dicendum sit.

Et non solum ipse, sed omnes ibi erunt qui tenent legem hanc, quia ipsa tota pestifera est, et falsa, et contra Deum, et contra salutem animæ.

Without the slightest change of countenance, Philip desires the priest, whose ear the thrilling whisper has reached, and who stands open-mouthed, prepared to burst forth at once into the Te Deum, to proceed with the service; that ended, he orders appropriate thanks to be offered up.

" No torture of body like unto it, Siculi non invenere tyranni majus tormentum, no strappadoes, hot irons, Phalaris' bulls, "Nec ira deum tantum, nec tela, nec hostis, Quantum sola noces animis illapsa.

an ex scarcibaeo deum? &c., et quo demum ruetis sacrificuli?

"Somnia quae mentes ludunt volitantibus umbris, Nec delubra deum, nec ab aethere numina mittunt, Sed sibi quisque facit," &c. For that cause when Ptolemy, king of Egypt, had posed the seventy interpreters in order, and asked the nineteenth man what would make one sleep quietly in the night, he told him, "the best way was to have divine and celestial meditations, and to use honest actions in the daytime.

The deep buttresses on the towers cast shadows which only serve to show up the marvellous sculptured figures of saints and kings, which may represent a Te Deum in stone.

Ex caritativo amore sitis propter Deum memores eorum cum uno AVE MARIA.

We thank God that in a generation that so greatly needs to cry, as our Te Deum teaches us, "Govern us and lift us up!"

For the men of learning of those epochs, God, devil, angels, demons, hid the whole of Nature; no investigation was carried out to the end, no matter sifted to the bottom; everything that was beyond the most obvious causal nexus was immediately attributed to these; so that, as Pomponatius expressed himself at the time, Certe philosophi nihil verisimile habent ad haec, quare necesse est, ad Deum, ad angelos et daemones recurrere.

The bells rang all through the night, and the Te Deum was chanted.

The air resounded with the Te Deum sung with all their hearts by clergy and crowd.

And the Te Deum was intoned with enthusiasm.

The church was wonderfully bright with lights; Upon the palace-square artillery Through the Te Deum spoke with solemn splendor.

After which the music of the chapel sung Te Deum, with much solemn devotion.

TE DEUM (Thee, O God), a grand hymn in Latin, so called from the first words, sung at matins and on occasions of joy and thanksgiving; of uncertain authorship; is called also the Ambrosian Hymn, as ascribed, though without foundation, to St. Ambrose; is with more reason seemingly ascribed to Hilary, bishop of Aries.

Prayers were put up the following day at most of the fashionable churches, and a solemn te deum was composed expressly for the occasion.

230 examples of  deum  in sentences