2743 examples of disorders in sentences

In the midst of the which disorders came one, from beyond seas, whom men called Ivo, who by might of sword and cunning tongue made himself Duke in my place.

Those who are laboring under consumption, asthma, epilepsy, insanity, and other incurable disorders, and those whose constitutions are broken, or withered and reduced below the standard of military requirement, are generally, and by some Governments always, discharged.

from all other disorders of the digestive organs, 19 per cent.

of disorders of the brain and nervous system.

But 1782 found him in very bad health; he passed almost the whole of the year 'in a succession of disorders' (post, p. 156).

Markland had previously destroyed a great many other notes; writing in 1764 he said:'Probably it will be a long time (if ever) before this sort of learning will revive in England; in which it is easy to foresee that there must be a disturbance in a few years, and all public disorders are enemies to this sort of literature.'

I had the honour, as Your Excellency is aware, as one of the congress commissioners to investigate the causes of the disorders in the Punjab during the April of 1919.

They are continually suffering from bowel complaints and convulsive disorders; which, under these circumstances, terminate invariably in an early death.

As the child grows older, the system of cleanliness must in no particular be relaxed, and it will be found the best preservative against those eruptive disorders which are so frequent and troublesome during the period of infancy.

For the sake of clearness and reference, these disorders will be spoken of as they occur: To the infant at the breast.


CHARACTER OF SCARLET FEVER COMPARED WITH THAT OF MEASLES.It will be seldom difficult to distinguish this disease from other acute eruptive disorders.

Stomach and bowels, their derangement, a fruitful source of disease, 208. , disorders of, in the infant at the breast, 210. , disorders of, at the period of weaning, 217. , disorders of, in the infant brought up by hand, 221. , their treatment, 222.

Stomach and bowels, their derangement, a fruitful source of disease, 208. , disorders of, in the infant at the breast, 210. , disorders of, at the period of weaning, 217. , disorders of, in the infant brought up by hand, 221. , their treatment, 222.

In every hospital for nervous disorders are to be found many instances of this loss of control.

It seems to benefit those who suffer from dyspepsia, constipation, and functional disorders of the liver.

Its use is a prolific source of indigestion, palpitation of the heart, persistent wakefulness, and of other disorders.

Badly cooked and ill-assorted foods are often the cause of serious disorders.

" "Sir," cries he, bowing with great civility, "I perceive extreme grief for the loss of the Doctor disorders you a little at present: but early in the morning, I'll wait on you, with all necessary materials.

of all the surgical operations for female disorders and of 45 per cent.

In the earlier years of the reign of King Charles I., when already there were signs of those disorders which were the prelude to the Great Rebellion, one of the most prominent gentlemen at his majesty's court was a certain Lord Langleigh.

We see in this amazing Instance of Barbarity, what strange Disorders are bred in the minds of those Men whose Passions are not regulated by Virtue, and disciplined by Reason.

This prevents the healthful nourishment of the body, and undoubtedly eventuates in nervous disorders.

The disorders in the existing currency, and especially the scarcity of small change, a scarcity so peculiarly distressing to the poorer classes, strongly recommend the carrying into immediate effect the resolution already entered into concerning the establishment of a mint.

This, I think, promises to be the most efficient preparation, and will prove valuable as an injection in the treatment of leucorrhoea, hemorrhages, and similar disorders.

2743 examples of  disorders  in sentences