Do we say droop or drupe

droop 364 occurrences

His spirits began to droop again.

And, as he watched, he thought she had never looked more beautiful than now, with the soft glow of the candles upon her; for her face reflected the tender sadness of the music, it was in the mournful droop of her scarlet lips, and the sombre depths of her eyes.

As my boy entered on a second summer he began to droop a little, and the physician recommended that we should take him to the sea-side; so it came to pass that on the morning of my twentieth birthday I was sitting, with my baby in my arms, on a rocky sea-shore, at one of the well-known summer resorts of the New Hampshire coast.

Mortal man cannot conceive of the delicate shades of sentiment expressible by a dog's tail, unless he has studied the subjectthe wag, the waggle, the cock, the droop, the slope, the wriggle!

there is so much to say before they goO, think of it allmiss nothing, watch their faces every moment of the dayfor soon you shall torture yourself in vain to remember just that curve of the mouth, that droop of the chin.

EYESThe eyes should be rather small and deep set, dark in colour and not too close together; the lower eyelid should droop, so as to show a fair amount of haw.

But, alas! city flowers droop and fade and die; and though tears fall, like Hermon's dews, upon the cold green earth where they are sleeping, it will not renew their blooming, nor bring them back from the grave.

When he stood by the rail watching the tawny French cliffs draw nearer, one noticed a certain weary droop to his shoulders, in contrast to his well-tanned, rather athletic-looking, faceborn a little tired, perhaps, like the young nobleman in Bernstein's "Whirlwind."

Fulfilling its noble taskbearing riches, comforts, health, happiness, yet taking to deck its own bosom, not one of the humblest wildflowers that must droop and die but for its love.

Two plum trees, standing in front of the agency, which had attained their full growth, and borne fruit plentifully, for some few years, began to droop, and finally died during the autumn.

"If only," she sighed, "I had a friend who would!" Catherine was still looking down when I looked up; but the droop of the slender body, the humble angle of the cavalier hat, the faint flush underneath, all formed together a challenge and an appeal which were the more irresistible for their sweet shamefacedness.

It was about eight o'clockthe day had begun to droop in his gardenthat he walked up and down the beds admiring his carnations.

They have also found that when a sensitive plant has been made to droop, the part in which the moving power resides is blackened, so as to absorb the light of the sun; the restoration of the plant to its natural state is much longer in taking place.

It was in the odd droop of his shoulders.

We are again on the Ottawa; as we advance, the river narrows and becomes studded with little islands covered with wild shrubs and forest trees, from whose stiff unyielding boughs the more pliant shoots droop playfully into the foaming stream below, like the children of Gravity coquetting with the family of Passion.

There are springs that rise in the greenwood's heart, Where its leafy glooms are cast, And the branches droop in the solemn air, Unstirred by the sweeping blast.

She was "all right again," she said as she sat, but the abstraction of her eyes and the harkening droop of her head showed that inwardly she still saw and heard the death-struck boy.

"You know, my boy, that in such a time as this if a leaderand above all such a capering, high-kicking colt as youbegins to mope and droop like a cab-horse in the rain, his men will soon not be worth awhat?...

Thus Hope's illusions droop away From the heart which their beauty won, And leave it forlorn as the gallant ship, Ere its summer of life is begun.

His eyes watched under half-closed lids the movements of her hands and the pretty droop of her head.

Now his lids droop, his eyes close, and he slumbers while the storm thunders past, unable to touch him.

but surely she began to fade and droop.

Then it was that Lady Arleigh began slowly to droop, then it was that her desolate life became utterly intolerablethat her sorrow became greater than she could bear.

Amor fati, that's the motto for a manto love his destiny passionately, and all that is before him; not to droop, or sentimentalise, or submit, but to plunge on, like a 'sea-shouldering whale'!

Steps should quickly be taken to conserve this wild splendor, and restrictions should be put upon the vandals, who, not content with picking what they can use to beautify the home, tear them up by the roots just to see how large an armful they can gather, scattering their golden petals to the four winds of heaven when they begin to droop.

drupe 1 occurrences

The whole tree is usually covered with a scaly tomentum, while the fruit is a black flattened drupe.

Do we say   droop   or  drupe