682 examples of exulted in sentences

One paper exulted over the statement that every sentence in Austria's ultimatum "was a whip-lash across Serbia's face;" a phrase expressing so aptly the great mass of popular opinion.

We exulted in our majestic march over the waters.

Chuck exulted.

The keen shock of the change in her filled Callandar with rebellious joy; it would be pain presently, but, just for the moment, love exulted shamelessly, claiming her own.

He embraced me cordially; and I exulted in the thought, that I now had him actually in Caledonia.

I was already free in spirit, and I silently exulted in the bright prospect of liberty.

exulted Polly, dropping lightly between the two and laying a hand upon each.

Polly exulted.

She would berate herself for being "an old fool," though conscious at the same time of little, warming heart-thrills that exulted over her reason.

From the first settlement of the country, the genius of our institutions and our national spirit have claimed it as a common possession, and exulted in it with a common pride.

He rushed to his mother, and exulted.

Which shows that it was an easy and natural thing for him to do, consequently" "Consequently," exulted the old man, "we've got to look for a left-handed murderer, is that it?" "What do you think?" smiled the detective.

exulted Miss Penelope.

She exulted in the thought that he would come at the very instant he had named, no sooner and no later, and this would be precisely at four o'clock.

Through all its distress her heart exulted in the thought that he was faithful in his service to suffering humanity, even when love itself beckoned him away.

He opened his eyes in the deep, clear water and exulted.

Being as unscrupulous as the Duchesse de Beaufort herself, Juliette exulted in the idea of captivating the King, and left no effort untried to secure her supposed conquest; but this caprice on the part of Henry was only momentary, and in his passion for Henriette d'Entragues, he soon forgot his passing fancy for Madame de Villars.

Everybody exulted in the success of the colony, and it was hoped that the future would be as quiet as it was secure.

The Catholics exulted in beholding one of their persuasion attain the crown after an interval of two centuries; the Church of England expected the fruits of her unlimited devotion to the royal line; even the sectaries might hope indulgence from a prince whose religion deviated from that established by law as widely as their own.

But while the Grub-street editor exulted in successfully pointing out the inconsistency between Dryden's earlier and later religious opinions, he was incapable of observing, that the change was adopted in consequence of the same unbroken train of reasoning, and that Dryden, when he wrote the "Religio Laici" was under the impulse of the same conviction, which, further prosecuted, led him to acquiesce in the faith of Rome.

"What a grand day, and the wind just right," exulted Sahwah on Saturday noon as the Winnebagos were hastening home from military drill.

The idea of sending abolitionists to the State Prison was a glorious prospect, over which they exulted mightily.

There were fifty things she could do, and she meant to do them every one, and secretly exulted in the task.

Thus far the comparison between the merit of Mr. Pope and Mr. Philips, as writers of Pastoral, made by the author of this paper in the Guardian, after the publication of which, the enemies of Pope exulted, as in one particular species of poetry, upon which he valued himself, he was shewn to be inferior to his contemporary.

"It's just booful, the way it peters out," he exulted when a shovelful of dirt contained no more than a single speck of gold.

682 examples of  exulted  in sentences