95 examples of fastidiousness in sentences

The girl was as wild as a hawk, and although she was marked by a fine fastidiousness, would revolt from a narrow-minded prig.

He had a sort of instinctive fastidiousness.

Her love for her Master, and her desire to serve others for His sake, preserved her from any fastidiousness.

It did not merely irritate and depress him, as it does everybody of fine fastidiousness: he hated not only the sight of it, he hated it with a sort of unreasoning vindictiveness.

His fine fastidiousness would shrink from it, as from the particular kind of brutality and bad taste involved in a murder.

So far can a fine fastidiousness, allied to a sentiment of compassion, go towards making a man a consummate hypocrite.

We hope however that we shall not expose ourselves to the charge of fastidiousness, when we complain that it is rather too uniformly so.

scrupulousness, scrupulosity; qualms of conscience, twinge of conscience; delicacy, demur, scruple, qualm, shrinking, recoil; hesitation &c (irresolution) 605; fastidiousness &c 868. averseness &c (dislike) 867

Your exquisite, who makes extravagance and fastidiousness pass for wit, calls that the "bloom of a meal."

This was no time for fastidiousness.

Thus continually is the independent reader of history taught eclecticism: he makes allowance for the want of careful research in this writer, for the love of effect in that,for the skepticism of one, and the credulity of another,for enthusiasm here, and fastidiousness there,and especially for the greater or less attachment to certain opinions, and the absence or presence of strong convictions and genuine sympathies.

There are facts which modern fastidiousness justly enough commands to he wrapped around with graceful drapery before they shall have audience.

Floss's was a fastidiousness which shrinks at badly served food, a spotted table-cloth, or a last year's hat, while it overlooks a rent in an undergarment or the accumulated dust in a hairbrush.

The logical outcome of the fastidiousness about the Thaw jurors would be that the case ought to be tried by Esquimaux, or Hottentots, or savages from the Cannibal Islandsby some class of people who could have no conceivable interest in the parties, and moreover, no conceivable interest in the case.

Oh my friends, let us pray to him to take out of our hearts all selfishness, fancifulness, fastidiousness, and hasty respect of persons, of all which there is none in God.

It annoyed her fastidiousness to think that her own niece should be in any way associated with that kind of thing.

Unashamed, she took him as her own.... Exquisite devourer, yet she had much to do in bringing forth from the latent, one of the rarest gifts a boy can havelovelier than royalty and fine as geniusthe blue flower of fastidiousness.

Cadurcis, though so young, was gifted with an innate fastidiousness, that made him shrink from a rude woman.

That was one of the things Julius heartily approved of in his pretty sisterher fastidiousness in such matters.

The English have a peculiar contempt for gesticulation, and regard it as something undignified and common; this seems to me to be only one of those silly prejudices of English fastidiousness.

On the whole he was more proud of him than otherwise, recognizing that while he obviously suffered from an overdevelopment of the ego and an excessive fastidiousness in dress, he was, at bottom, clearly all right and a good sort.

And in the daily intercourse of life would he satisfy what you call my fastidiousness?" "Nothing on earth will ever do that.

Dolly herself was clean to fastidiousness.

To the eyes of the ultimate school of contemporary fastidiousness, the universe is indeed an ill-drawn and over-coloured picture, the scrawlings in circles of a baby upon the slate of night; its starry skies are a vulgar pattern which they would not have for a wallpaper, its flowers and fruits have a cockney brilliancy, like the holiday hat of a flower-girl.

In 1759 he was made physician to Christ's Hospital, where, however valued professionally, he is charged with being brutal and offensive to the poor; with indulging his fastidiousness, temper, and pomposity, and with forgetting that he owed anything to mere duty or humanity.

95 examples of  fastidiousness  in sentences