14 examples of high-brow in sentences

Of course those intellectual high-brows in your set didn't need an introduction to you; you were advertised as an example of ultra-fashionable perfection, to spur the ambition of those lower down in the social scale.

Gee whit taker, I thought when I looked around; maybe Mr. Donnelle is a deep-dyed spy all right, but he's sure a high-brow.

"I thought you only did terribly high-brow things.

We're here, Jarvis and I." "Well, believe me, that high-brow stuff is on the toboggan.

Professors and their wives, reformers, writers, mothers with adolescent sons, mothers with young daughterswhat, in Broadway parlance, is called a "high-brow" audiencea striking group of people gathered together to mark a daring experiment of our audacious times; a surgical clinic on a social sore, up to this moment hidden, neglected, whispered about.


It is a serious presentation of an unique revolution" "Well, believe me, that high-brow stuff is on the toboggan.

He said 'Nix on the high-brow stuff,' and never heard of the feminist movement," he blurted out in one breath.

"'Nix on the high-brow stuff.'

She, the yearningly friendly, sympathetic, sensitive, praise-craving Sylvia, came to be known, half respected and half disliked, as proud and clever, and "high-brow," and offish, and conceited, and so "queer" that she cared nothing for the ordinary pleasures of ordinary girls.

I shouldn't think you'd find him interesting or" Sylvia broke out: "Oh, you don't know how sick I get of being so everlastingly high-brow!

Sylvia and your grandfather were being so high-brow I was beginning to feel faint," Molly laughed flashingly.

"It's morally that we're so shady!" said Arnold, admiring his own wit so much that he could not refrain from adding, "Not so bad, what?" The usual conversation at his stepmother's table was, as he would have said, so pestilentially high-brow that he seldom troubled himself to follow it enough to join in.

Arnold was in the habit of dubbing "high-brow" anything bearing on aesthetics; and Mrs. Marshall-Smith's conversational range hardly extending at all outside of aesthetics of one kind or another, communication between these two house-mates of years' standing was for the most part reduced to a primitive simplicity for which a sign-language would have sufficed.

14 examples of  high-brow  in sentences