153 examples of icicled in sentences

" "And that's what saved the bottle from breaking," said Daddy Blake, "If I had not wired down the cork of our bottle the water would have pushed itself up, after it was frozen, and would have stuck out of the bottle neck, like a round icicle.

The lights from the windows of the large buildings fell upon some of the icicled trees that stood beneath them.

Moving along through the winter night, always on a swift, silent trot, they picked up what game came in their way, and scarcely felt the eager cold that nipped at their ears, or the wind, keen as an icicle, that strove to penetrate the shaggy white coats that covered them.

She who nips off the end of a brittle courtesy, as one breaks the tip of an icicle, to bestow upon those whom she ought cordially and kindly to recognize, proclaims the fact that she comes not merely of low blood, but of bad blood.

The word was as water dropped from an icicle.

AN ICICLE Lives in winter, Dies in summer, And grows with its roots upward!

They had a coldness in them that reminded me of the icicle eyes of the crocodile, and, curiously, I associated that reptile's notions of fair warfare with Leith as I looked at him.

57 To the waters their god has returned: to the house of bright things he descended (as) an icicle: (on) a seat of snow he grew not old in wisdom.

They took a warmth and glow from that pure animal joy which degrades not, but spiritualizes and ennobles our material part, and which differs from cold, abstract, intellectual enjoyment, as the flaming diamond of the Orient differs from the icicle of the North.

" She thawed like an April icicle.

He fixed a cover over, and all went well again for a time; then came winter, the drop of water froze to an icicle, and stopped the machine for good.

" "Confound the icicle!"

Off went the minaret, as you would knock off an icicle, from the mosque on the hill.

The toast was cold, the steak was cold, the coffee was cold, and frosty as an icicle was the lady who sat where the merry Maggie had heretofore presided.

Melt, icicle within! Women.

Was it not thus that icicle, dressed in blue, called Stradling, talked to me of the pleasures of marriage?

This gave us time to breathe, and we wanted it too, for the regiment had been melting away like an icicle in the sun.

How mysterious this ice, how ghostly this snow, and all the beautiful fantastic shapes taken by both; the dream-like foliage, and feathers and furs of the snow, the Gothic diablerie of icicled eaves, all the fairy fancies of the frost, the fretted crystal shapes that hang the brook-side with rarer than Venetian glass, the strange flowers that stealthily overlay the windows, even while we watch in vain for the unseen hand!

GARIS, HOWARD R. Uncle Wiggily's icicle spear.

The disenchantment was appalling; my brothers in Christ, the grave and reverend professors, were cold as icebergs, evidently caring nothing for the souls or bodies of their Christian or pagan students; the preacher at the college church was an ecclesiastical icicle, who, in his manner at least, continually cried: "Procul, procul, oh, Profani!"

Indeed, I had remarked, early in the morning, that an icicle of quite respectable length (for a small provincial town), depended from the public water-tap under the Methodist Chapel.

Now, Virginia, turn up your coat collar and hold your muff over your nose, or Jack Frost will make an icicle out of you before you are half-way home.


It was almost impossible to believe that such an amiable creature could turn into such an icicle.

(For the Mirror.) Chaste, as the icicle, That's curded by the frost from purer snow, And hangs on Dian's temple; Dearold maid.

153 examples of  icicled  in sentences