74 examples of justes in sentences

He strives after a "juste milieu" between the too violent partisanship of Maracci and Prideaux and the ridiculous acclamations of de Boulainvilliers.

Mitchell; et que ce n'est que faute de n'avoir pas observé les formalités prescrites, qu'elle n'a point jusqu'ici reçu une marque de distinction à laquelle elle paraît avoir de si justes titres.

"Heartily" was absolutely the mot juste.

moderating &c v.; anaphrodisia^; relaxation, remission, mitigation, tranquilization^, assuagement, contemporation^, pacification. measure, juste milieu

It has the juste milieu, and withal does not suppress the sympathy which every good man must feel for the cause of freedom, in a manner which more than ever justifies the Loch Katrine boatman's opinion of his "terrible judgment.


"Gentlemen talk of the just medium (juste milieu)" he said, "as if it embraced a clear political creed.

And thus the conversation proceeded, until they had agreed on the prix juste for the bullocks, the Squire throwing in the temporary accommodation of the enclosure for the cattle into the boot, and Robin making, as he thought, a very good bargain, providing the grass was but tolerable.

Un certain Grec disait à l'empereur Auguste, Comme une instruction utile autant que juste, Que, lorsqu' une aventure en colère nous met, Nous devons, avant tout, dire notre alphabet, Afin que dans ce temps la bile se tempère, Et qu'on ne fasse rien que l'on ne doive faire.

The juste milieu of brandy, so favored in 1832, if we can believe Mr. Hamilton, was not thought of in 1857.

" L'exemple était trop juste pour qu'il ne produisît pas l'effet désiré.

"Charles, s'écria une femme, en poussant du coude son benêt de mari, juste au moment il allait s'endormir, je suis sûre d'avoir entendu du bruit en bas; ce sont des voleurs.

JUSTE, frappant; exacte.

PURGATOIRE, m., lieu de supplice les âmes des justes incomplètement purifiées achèvent de purger leurs fautes.

Les crime des justes.

Les crime des justes.

De près, leurs archers tirent juste et vite; mais ils ne tirent point à beaucoup près aussi loin que les nôtres.

Let us leave this Coriolanus among the Volsciansit is a persecution to make converts, rather than martyrs, and "Quand le malheur ne seroit bon, "Qu'a mettre un sot a la raison, "Toujours seroit-ce a juste cause "Qu'on le dit bon a quelque chose.

In consequence, in poetic justice and for the good of his soul and the king's, Hildeprandus quite arbitrarily presents "omnem praedictam illorum substantiam, qualiter secundum legem juste et rationabiliter, ad Publicum devoluta est," to the Monastery of Farfa "pro mercede Domnorum nostrorum Regum et nostra."

She tells her correspondent that "if Lord Cowley has much to do to establish the exact line between Lord Aberdeen's observations and objections, Lady Cowley has no less difficulty in keeping a nice balance between dignity and popularity," as "the Embassy is besieged by all sets and all parties; the tag and rag, because pushing is a part of their nature; the juste milieu

C'est trop juste!

C'est juste ...

C'est juste ... c'est le salon!...

His body is girted with a very broad tricolored scarf; he is the old messenger who has always filled that office in the Chamber since the beginning of the Revolution, and who in this post has witnessed the momentous events of the world's history from the days of the first National Assembly till the juste milieu.

His only trouble now, in the dull and lazy times of the juste milieu, is drowsiness.

74 examples of  justes  in sentences