12 examples of macnab in sentences

General Macnab, ditto.

They mostly came out with "The Macnab," but from time to time they are refreshed by arrivals from the Old Country.


R109323, 23Mar53, Susan Caroline Lady Tweedsmuir (W) John Macnab: a comedy for poachers, chapter 8 continued.

R110451, 16Mar53, Susan Caroline Lady Tweedsmuir (W) John Macnab: a comedy for poachers, chapter 10-15.

© 10Apr25, A823668. R108377, 6Mar53, Margaretta Tuttle (A) TWEEDSMUIR, SUSAN CAROLINE, Lady John Macnab.

Macnab, the last laird.

R109323, 23Mar53, Susan Caroline Lady Tweedsmuir (W) John Macnab: a comedy for poachers, chapter 8 continued.

R110451, 16Mar53, Susan Caroline Lady Tweedsmuir (W) John Macnab: a comedy for poachers, chapter 10-15.

© 10Apr25, A823668. R108377, 6Mar53, Margaretta Tuttle (A) TWEEDSMUIR, SUSAN CAROLINE, Lady John Macnab.

Macnab, the last laird.

" The last Laird of Macnab, before the clan finally broke up and emigrated to Canada, was a well-known character in the country, and being poor, used to ride about on a most wretched horse, which gave occasion to many jibes at his expense.

12 examples of  macnab  in sentences