35 examples of maids' in sentences

Old maids' choir!

"'Tis the witch's daughter that hath escaped me thrice by deviltry and witchcraft" "Naynay," panted the maid 'twixt pallid lips, "nought am I but a poor maid gathering herbs and simples for my mother.

and I might sing some fair song together; dost thou not know a certain dainty little catch called 'The Loving Youth and the Scornful Maid'?

For her part, she most certainly would not eat haddock or kippers for dinner; she had too much self-respect to do such a thing, so she boiled or roasted a leg of mutton for her own repast and the maids'.

Oh! Tell them to send the big samovar to the maids' roomthe very biggest; and find Annushka and send her to me.

'Swinburne's Tristram of Lyonesse, 9/-, less dis., 6/9.' All that this great poem of 'springtide passion with its fire and flowers' meant to Narcissus and his 'Thirteenth Maid' in the morning of their love, those that have loved too will hardly need telling, while those who have not could never understand, though I spake with the tongue of the poet himself.

Was she fond of the other lad, then?" "Sir," said Willis, "I don't think it's fair like,not decent, if you'll excuse an old sailor,to talk about young maids' affairs, that they wouldn't talk of themselves, perhaps not even to themselves.

Motor Maids' School Days 2. Motor Maids by Palm and Pine 3.

One day she comes up at three in the morning to the maids' room and calls: "Barbro!"

Oh, but this time 'twas Cook's turn out, and Barbro was at home; the maids' room was a nest of innocence.

Mrs. Heenyand I just couldn't have had that French maid 'round to-night," sighed Mrs. Spragg, sinking into a chair near the dressing-table.

I am dwindling to a peddling chamber-chaplain, Who hunts for crabs and ballads in maids' sleeves, I, who have shuffled kingdoms.

How the mignonette's sweet blooming was perfuming all the walks, Where the hollyhocks stood proudly with their blossom-dotted stalks; While the old-maids' pinks were nodding groups of gossips, here and there, And the bluebells swung so lightly in the lazy, hazy air!

The poor little trawler, with her steering gear smashed, swung round to starboard, and it was only by the smartest seamanship that the 'Maid' avoided running her down.

MARGARET Where young men's flatteries cozen young maids' beauty, There pride oft gets the vantage hand of duty, There sweet humility withers.

"The original 'Old Maid' had a convenience that didn't usually go with open fireplaces," said Gladys, "and that is running water," and she held her cup under a tiny stream that trickled out between two rocks, cold as ice and clear as crystal.

My eyes filled with water, I sneezed under the chairs and slid on the bare floor in my haste to follow the maids' white aprons.

This ain't psalms an 'ymns an' ole maids' tea-parties, mind you!

"Like t' killed me there at the ol' maids'.

For maids' appetites when they are anyways in love are precarious, but, after they are assured of their love's return, then the back hunger comes upon them and the larder is made to pay for all arrears.

He stumbled and fell at the threshold of the maids' chamber.

" "Huh!" said Benny, "I'm not a 'pretty maid'; I'm a boy.

And unnecessary dirt is found even in the newer apartment-houses with the ever-changing population and ever-lessening space for maids' quarters, together with the sham character of construction due to the fact that most of these houses have been put up by speculators at the lowest cost of the cheapest materials which will show wear in a few months.

An equal number of maids and bachelors assemble together; all write their true or some feigned name separately upon as many billets, which they rolled up, and drew by way of lots, the maids taking the men's billets, and the men the maids'; so that each of the young men lights upon a girl that he calls his Valentine, and each of the girls upon a young man which she calls her's.

Every half-hour he runs down to the maids' room and, closing his eyes, feels and pinches them; they scream and giggle; he returns to his book again.

35 examples of  maids'  in sentences