10 examples of manicurist in sentences

A manicurist saw his hands and, smothering a giggle, pointed them out to the young fellow she was working on.

I imagine that Sir Arthur Pinero was betrayed into complexity and over-elaboration by his desire to use, as a background for his action, a study of that "curious phase of modern life," the manicurist's parlour.

" "Oh, there's nothing so artistic as writing books," protested Miss Harris, the manicurist.

Life at Mrs. Green's pensionshe called it that, rates six dollars up, terms six dollars downhad not been the same for the youthful hermit of the hall bedroom since Gross had met him and Miss Harris in the park a few Sundays before and, falling under the witchery of the manicurist's violet eyes, had changed his residence to coincide with theirs.

Mitchell had long adored the blonde manicurist, but once the same roof sheltered her and the magnificent head bookkeeper, he saw his dream of love and two furnished rooms with kitchenette go glimmering.

The manicurist's violet eyes opened wide.

But, although he and his manicurist were becoming strangers, he soon began to call the waiters at Rector's by their given names, and a number of the more prominent cab-drivers waved at him.

The manicurist.

The manicurist.

These included a masseuse, a manicurist, and a maid to look after the lapdogs.

10 examples of  manicurist  in sentences