901 examples of meddles in sentences

There is a young woman in it who loves a man, and there is another woman who also loves him, and another man who loves the first woman, and meddles and mars as though he were a professional philanthropist.

'Think on the perils that environ The man that meddles with cold iron!'

"Them that makes or meddles in such gits theirselves into trouble, that's what I say," Zack told the visitors, stroking a chin whose contours expressed the resolution and aggressiveness of a rabbit.

MEDDLES Dinner was over, and Cartwright occupied a chair on the lawn in front of the Canadian summer hotel.

what perils do environ The man who meddles with hot Hiron!

It's a queer thing, but cows that will run from a dog when they are alone will fight him if he meddles with their calves or the sheep.

In one word, men who had acquired just the habit of mind which the study of Natural Science can give, and must give; for without it there is no use studying Natural Science; and the man who has not got that habit of mind, if he meddles with science, will merely become a quack and a charlatan, only fit to get his bread as a spirit-rapper, or an inventor of infallible pills.

His prognostication that she would by her interference and demands for "jobs" make life hideous for Lord and Lady Bute proved to be unfounded, and he had the grace to say, "She is much more discreet than I expected, and meddles with nothing"; but he could not refrain from saying that "she is woefully tedious in her narrations.

He believes the honour that was left him as well as the estate is sufficient to support his quality without troubling himself to purchase any more of his own; and he meddles us little with the management of the one as the other, but trusts both to the government of his servants, by whom he is equally cheated in both.


CHAPTER X JANET MEDDLES Bright moonlight sparkled on the snow when Kit left Ashness to post some letters he had written ordering new machines.

She is so good and kind, and never meddles with anything.

The single and simple duty of the Government is to put down resistance to its legitimate authority; it meddles, and can meddle, with no claim of right except the monstrous one of rebellion.

Here, no rude schoolboy ever approaches its retreat; and those who once dreaded its diabolical doings are now fully satisfied that it no longer meddles with their destinies, or has any thing to do with the repose of their departed friends.

what perils do eviron The man that meddles with cold iron.

"I know How pretty well, and when someone intimates to me that he is a grand-stand player, or goes out of his way to pick a quarrel, or meddles with someone else's affairs" Again the big man caught himself.

Unmindful of the fact that "the most dangerous moment for a bad government is the moment when it meddles with reform," he yielded everything.

and I cry with Salomon that he who meddles with the strife of another man is like to him that takes a hound by the ears.

His habits are wholly bad; he meddles with the nests of useful birds and is a nuisance to his human as well as bird neighbors.

And when the latter objected: "Yes," replied the queen, "it is the proper word: every woman who meddles in matters above her lights and beyond the limits of her duty, is nothing but an intriguer; you will remember, however, that I do not spare myself, and that it is with regret I give myself such a title.

Besides, I'm the mistress of our house; and he never meddles with my affairs.

Even now no Maori tribe will sell such spots, and the greedy or inquisitive Pakeha who profanely explores or meddles with them does so at no small risk.

Camilla, remember that my mind is made up for ever, and that nothing shall ever induce me to marry a man who meddles with the evils of races.

" "Meddles with the evils?

Now, in consideration thereof, we do hereby guaranty to our white neighbours that they shall not be molested in their lawful concerns upon our plantation, provided that no white man meddles or interferes in any way whatever in our lawful affairs; and that you may understand that it is so, we say the resolutions are revoked, and we will wait with pleasure the sitting of the Legislature.

901 examples of  meddles  in sentences