148 examples of overloading in sentences

"I'll get into trouble for overloading as it is.

We'll have a bite to eat, for I didn't overload my stomach this mornin', an' be all the better for a breathin'-spell.

The idea of overloading the stomach never suggests itself to their minds.

The star-whorled, fan-spread branches droop under the soft wreathsdroop and press flatly to the trunk; presently the point of overloading is reached, there is a soft sough and muffled dropping, the boughs recover, and the weighting goes on until the drifts have reached the midmost whorls and covered up the branches.

This is an injurious and even dangerous practice, for, by overloading the stomach, the food remains undigested, the child's bowels are always out of order, it soon becomes restless and feverish, and is, perhaps, eventually lost; when, by simply attending to the above rules of nursing, the infant might have become healthy and vigorous.

It will be necessary then to guard against the nurse overloading her stomach with a mass of indigestible food and drink.

This resulted in somewhat overloading the staff at the head, and the principle on which the Board of Admiralty works, i.e., that its members are colleagues one of another, and seniority in rank does not, theoretically, give greater weight in council, was not altogether followed.

He who swallows such enormous quantities, even of plain food, as by overloading and fatiguing the stomach, tend gradually to debilitate it, will produce the same effect.

"You should never overload your cake with citron.

In the process of learning you may be apprehensive about bewildering and confusing the memory, but not about overloading it, in the strict sense of the word.

The prodigious variety of foreign matter, introduced into that performance, seemed to overload the memory of Dr. Johnson, and, in the account of his own life, to leave him hardly visible.

If we had had "87," with a full head of steam on, we could have got through all right, even if we had to overload the market with beef.

Still unjustifiable greediness of gain, had tempted the patron to commit the unseaman-like fault of overloading his vessel.

The preservation of the species was a point of such necessity, that Nature has secured it at all hazards by immensely overloading the passion, at the risk of perpetual crime and disorder.

There is, however, another cause of accident which the Louisville paper does not allude to, and that is overloading.

Once, when Julius Cæsar was in danger of being upset into the sea by the overloading of a boat, he swam to the nearest ship, with his book of Commentaries in his hand.

Numbers of them perished when they seemed to have escaped, some being knocked down in the mêlée while boarding the boats, and others drowned while in the ships themselves by the overloading of the vessels.

The man explained that a ministerial party had chartered his best team to go on a tour of inspection to a mine; a brother coachman had been "stuck up" for horses, and borrowed a couple from him, whereupon he was forced to do with animals which had been turned out for a spell, and the heat and overloading accounted for a good part of the contretemps.

Bread made of wheat, when taken in large quantities, has probably, more than any other article of food in use in this country, the effect of overloading the alimentary canal: and the general practice of the French physician points out the prevalence of diseases thence arising amongst their patients.

For instance, you wouldn't be bothered in the least if I took a notion to overload the office with another pretty girl....

Because of much beating and overloading, they are generally a sorry-looking lot of animals.

And as the boat sailed on, tacking to and fro, even the pilot got over his anxiety at the overloading which had taken place when Westcott got in.

He would wipe out the censure sure to fall on him for overloading the boat, he would put Katy and her friends under lasting obligations to him, he would win his game.

And in the drowning of Katy he saw only the overloading of a boat and the inevitable action of water upon the vital organs of the human system.

But, in this rage for information, we too often overlook the mental constitution of the being we would inform,detaching the apprehensive from the active powers, weakening character by overloading memory, and reaping a harvest of imbeciles after we may have flattered ourselves we had sown a crop of geniuses.

148 examples of  overloading  in sentences