69 examples of overshot in sentences

In strugglin' up he overshot me; and as he made his drive one prong went through the calf of my leg.

Lady Chatterton now perceived, when too late, that she had overshot her mark, while, at the same time, she wondered at the reason of a result so strange from such well-digested and well-conducted plans.

Still, for a moment it seemed as if they had overshot their mark, and as if the more loyal party would be able to withstand and defeat them.

The insatiable monarchs overshot the mark.

The repast finished, we set out on our return (for we had overshot our mark), and visited the gardens, which were the object of our expedition.

It is hardly too much to say that the issue as to whether the size of the typical business unit will continue to become larger and larger, or whether it has already overshot the point of maximum efficiency will turn largely upon the capacity of accountancy to supply large and complex undertakings with more accurate instruments of detailed financial measurement. §4.

Kenton and his friends saw that they had overshot their mark, and that they must ride for their lives.

Shells from the German guns that fell short or overshot the mark descended in the fields, and for a mile round these fields were plowed as though hundreds of plowshares had sheared the sod this way and that, until hardly a blade of grass was left to grow in its ordained place.

You see our guns were posted at a point between eight and nine kilometers away and at the start we overshot a trifle.

Sckenkius hath such another story of one melancholy, because he overshot himself, and spent his stock in unnecessary building.

Learning from this Moor that he had overshot Sofala, and not being inclined to turn back, the general continued his voyage to Mozambique; where he arrived on the 20th of July and took in a supply of water, and procured a pilot to carry him to the island of Quiloa, towards which he directed his course.

I expect they ain't overshot the mark nuther, for he's got six hundred new buckets this spring, and Bill Sims, he's been in with 'em the last two years, 'n he says there ain't no sugar orchard to compare, except Squire White's over in Mill Creek, and he's often taken in three thousand pounds off his'n.

The author of 'Supernatural Religion' has overshot the mark very much indeed.

THE MAIN FAULTS to be avoided are a domed skull, high peaked occipital bone, heavy, pendulous or pricked ears, weak jaws, snipy muzzle, full staring or light eyes, crooked legs, large, flat or hare feet, curly or soft coat, cow hocks, and brush twisted or carried right over the back, under or overshot mouth.

MOUTHmuch overshot or much undershot.

By their subtle reasonings some of them overshot and lost a truth which a man finds naturally and simply in himself without the help of philosophy.

She still believed that Taquisara had overshot the mark of truth.

I think a few shells, meant for Ypres, had rather overshot the mark and had come into our field in consequence.

A little, peaking, puling creature, desperately hen-pecked by a second wife; but madam overshot the mark, and the knight was roused to assert and maintain the mastery.

But though he sometimes overshot the mark of truth, he never shot away from it, like Froude.

Timothy brought out Evan's bath gown, and in a few moments Mr. Somers was himself again, and after surveying the scene of the disaster, he approached me with a charming bow, and drawing a crumpled note from his pocket said: "I promised Bertie Chatterton to give you this invitation for his studio tea to-morrow, in person, and I fear that I have rather overshot my promise.

Olga had overshot the mark.

It merely received some portion of the blessings which were intended for the Town Hall, but which overshot their mark.

The generatrix had to make 1,500 revolutions, and be set in motion by an overshot wheel.

General Wheaton, who was in command of the forces about the church, finally moved to the front, and as we were directly in the rear of his line and the Insurgents, as usual, overshot badly, we found ourselves in an uncomfortably hot corner.

69 examples of  overshot  in sentences