107 examples of overt in sentences

But, beyond wan and reticent yokels, engaged in the primitive husbandry of this slave section, they never encountered any one that could be counted overt enemies of the cause.

So it was that when Milligan announced a tag dance and the couples swirled onto the floor gayly, Donnegan decided to take matters into his own hands and offer the first overt act.

In pursuance of this plan, he apologised to his mother for his previous wrath, and treated Lady Elizabeth, during the remainder of her visit, with politeness; but it was a studied, constrained, and ironical sort of courtesy, which pained the unoffending but humbled beauty much more than overt rudeness.

Victor watched him from every angle, overt and covert, but had his trouble for his pains; Nogam, observed in a mirror, when Victor's back was turned, went about his business with no more betrayal of personal feeling or independent mentality than when waiting upon his master face to face.

A more overt act of contumacy to his superiors, into which his vivacity hurried him, trifling as it may appear, is so characteristic, that I cannot leave it untold.

manifestly, openly &c adj.; before one's eyes, under one's nose, to one's face, face to face, above board, cartes sur table, on the stage, in open court, in the open streets; in market overt; in the face of day, face of heaven; in broad daylight, in open daylight; without reserve; at first blush, prima facie [Lat.], on the face of; in set terms.

170. deed, act, overt act, stitch, touch, gest transaction^, job, doings, dealings, proceeding, measure, step, maneuver, bout, passage, move, stroke, blow; coup, coup de main, coup d'etat

counsel asks to have shown a specific overt act of Grimm before we can present the plea of self-defense.

No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

An overt act is an open act, not one that is simply meditated or talked about, but one actually performed.

" Two witnesses, at least, "to the same overt act," are required, because thus only can a "preponderance of testimony" be secured.

The risks attending this overt act were terrible, for the alum-works brought in a large revenue to His Holiness, and the discovery of such a design would have meant capital punishment to the offender.

Of the rest he brought to justice a very few, who had not only cooperated with Cassius to the extent of some overt action but were personally guilty of some crime.

She divined this before he had made a single overt move in her direction and pointed it out to Mary with a genuine pleasure sounding through the tone of careless amusement she chose to adopt.

She turned to Morrison with her first overt recognition of the new status between them.

But, to the deep despair of one observer, these invaders committed no depredation or overt act.

The sun set on the first overt act in the rebellion.

Hormones and behavior: a survey of interrelationships between endocrine secretions and patterns of overt response.

The Indians received counsel and advice from the British, and drew from them both arms and munitions of war, and while the higher British officers were usually careful to avoid committing any overt breach of neutrality, the reckless partisan leaders sought to inflame the Indians against the Americans, and even at times accompanied their war parties.

In 1783 and the early part of 1784 traders were descending the Mississippi without overt resistance from the Spaniards, and were selling their goods at a profit in New Orleans.

Moreover others who never indulged in overt disloyalty to the Union undoubtedly consulted and questioned Gardoqui about his proposals, while reserving their own decision; being men who let their loyalty be determined by events.

Neither the North Carolinians, nor any one else, knew that there was better ground for the charge of treason against Sevier than had appeared in his overt actions.

Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment.

The sentiment here is not tacit, but communicable and overt.

Wildney had a good voice, and struck up, without the least bashfulness "Come, landlord, fill the flowing bowl, Until it does run overt Come, landlord, fill," &c "Now," he said, "join in the chorus!"

107 examples of  overt  in sentences