58 examples of penchants in sentences

My picture, as I have said, was a fairly executed steel engraving, taken from some one of the thousands of "Tokens," or "Keepsakes," or "Amulets," or "Gems," or such like harmless giftbooks, with which youths of tender sentiment remind preoccupied damsels of their careful penchants.

mind, inclination, leaning, bent, animus, partiality, penchant, predilection; propensity &c 820; willingness &c 602; liking, love, fondness, relish.

The Thames tunnel is too amphibious an affair to be included in the number; but the ship canal project, the bridge-building mania, and the penchant for working mines by steam, evidently belong to them.

And furthermore, certain anecdotes told in the first section, particularly in the first eighty pages, are such stories as would have appealed to Defoe's penchant for the uncanny, and might well have been selected by him.

Brown is an individual with a sense of humor and a Mark Twain penchant for ten-pfennig cigars.

" Like most close-knit, centripetal communities, we have a fatal penchant for nicknames in Our Square.

She had distinguished me very favorably, and I was vain enough to suppose she honored me by some jealousy of my penchant for the signorina.

Finally, Mr. ARTHUR HATHERTON, as Lob, the host of the party, a kind of hoary old Puck who had a penchant for filling his house every Midsummer Eve with people who wanted a Second Chance, interpreted Sir JAMES'S whimsical fancy to the very top of freakishness.

As artists, it would be a hell of a lot easier if our audiences were more tolerant of our penchant for boring them.

By a curious law of contrariety the woman with a broad, heavy chin seems to have an ungovernable penchant for trig little round bonnets, or trim turbans with perky aigrettes, like that in sketch No. 22.

He must have been born a thief, and perhaps stole the spoon with which he was fed; but the penchant runs in the family, for Vidocq and his brother rob the same till of a fencing-room, but his brother is first detected, and sent off "in a hurry," to a baker at Lille.

He especially had been impressed by the numbers of corks that flew in the house and on the green; and when I invited him to a bottle of champagne, he made hissing sounds and a plop to indicate that Rui had a penchant for that kind of wine.

But the epistle, instead of describing Mr. L as an artist, merely designated him "an honest bonnet-maker," who had a penchant for lionizing, and who desired to be introduced to Dr. Southey in "the way of business."

"I hope," said Mr. Chromatic, "it may be Tenorina, for I imagine Graziosa has conceived a penchant for Sir Patrick O'Prism.

Acquaintance with an actor fed Munden's penchant for the stage, but did not fill his pocket.

Cotthay, quoique assez considérable, n'a point de murs; mais elle a un beau et grand château composé de trois forteresses placées l'une au-dessus de l'autre sur le penchant d'une montagne, lequel a une double enceinte.

a bien cent milles, et néanmoins, dans toute la longueur de cet espace, il n'existe d'autre forteresse ou lieu de quelque défense qu'un village et une maison que Cénaym-Bay a fait construire sur le penchant d'une montagne, avec une mosquée.

'L'envieux oiseau nocturne, Triste, ouvrira son oeil rond; Les nymphes, penchant leur urne, Dans les grottes souriront.

IX JOIE HORS DU CHÂTEAU Le soir vient, le soleil descend dans son brasier; Et voilà qu'au penchant des mers, sur les collines, Partout, les milans roux, les chouettes félines, L'autour glouton, l'orfraie horrible dont l'oeil luit

l'ombre secourant l'ombre, L'âme obscure venant en aide à l'âme sombre, Le stupide, attendri, sur l'affreux se penchant, Le damné bon faisant rêver l'élu méchant! L'animal avançant lorsque l'homme recule!

au penchant des mers, i. e. where the land slopes to the sea.

A peculiar expression; au penchant de la terre would be more usual.

" Se penchant vers les dahlias, Des paons cabrent des rosaces lunaires L'assou pissement des branches vénère Son pâle visage aux mourants dahlias.

Il me semble qu'oui; du moins me parloit-il de penchant.

Je me brisai hier d'une chute sur l'escalier, je roulai tout un étage, et je commençois d'en entamer un autre quand on me retint sur le penchant.

58 examples of  penchants  in sentences