272 examples of planet. in sentences

If a wrong entry were discovered, it might of course have been due to some clerical error, though that is hardly probable considering the care spent in making these records, or it might have been a tailless comet, or possibly the newly found planet.

It would be mere waste of space and time were I to attempt anything like a journal of the weeks I spent in the solitude of this artificial planet.

But he was puzzled by the combination of such imperfect knowledge or semi-barbaric ignorance with the possession of a secret of such immense importance as the repulsive current, not yet known nor, as I gathered, even conceived by the inhabitants of this planet.

If they kept the relative distance of the night before, they were all stars; if any one had approached or receded from the others, it was a planet; and when the father looked at his son's record he said, 'One of those has moved, and it is the one which I thought last night was the planet.'

4thA Circle, the Index of which shows the day of the week with its appropriate planet.

A clock with sixty-nine faces shows the times of so many different places on our planet.

On Sept. 22nd Challis wrote to me to say that Mr Adams would leave with me his results on the explanation of the irregularities of Uranus by the action of an exterior planet.

on Le Verrier's intra-Mercurial Planet.

Soc. Planet.

The true evidence of the Bible is the Bible,of Christianity the living fact of Christianity itself, as the manifest 'archeus' or predominant of the life of the planet.

To explain what I mean, let me compare the advance of knowledge among mankind to the course taken by a planet.

The conclusion from these three independent proofs, which enforce each other in the multiple ratio of their respective weights, is therefore irresistiblethat animal life, especially in its higher forms, cannot exist on the planet.

] "It will be observed that a line drawn out from the sun to the right will pass through Herschel, and if continued will intersect the new planet.

But April is certainly the birth-time of the year, at least, if not of the planet.

They have developed into a great international war, the greatest and most terrible ever waged on this planet.

In this gloomy, hot sea was the heart of the ocean, the center of the circulatory life of the planet.

This puzzling planet.

NININGER, HARVEY H. Our stone-pelted planet.

This amazing planet.

This puzzling planet.

pb id='230.png' /> STUMPFF, KARL. Die Erde als Planet.

The resulting social transformation had its geographical homeland in Europe from which it spread around the planet.

The culture pattern variously known as European, western or modern civilization, dating from the Crusades, has existed for about a thousand years, and spread across the planet.

Even Nap does that, though he doesn't care a tinker's curse for anyone else on this muddy little planet.

No doubt the reply may be made, as the reply has been made, that after all man occupies but a minute space in the cosmos, that he is but an insignificant speck on an unimportant planet.

272 examples of  planet.  in sentences