141 examples of promiscuously in sentences

The stowage was apparently made at haphazard and promiscuously; nevertheless, later, by the difference of the treatment accorded to the Representatives in the various prisons, it was apparent that this promiscuous loading had perhaps been somewhat prearranged.

Everything had been heaped in promiscuously.

In the bath they are seen promiscuously with the men.

This law seems to have fallen into oblivion, as even the Christians in after times fell into the practice, and gave occasion to many decrees of councils and synods for its prohibition; yet with little effect, as even priests and monks bathed promiscuously along with the women.

But the effect would only be thus insignificant, if, as I said, your millions were taken promiscuously (as in the modern army), not if they were picked menin that case the loss (or gain) would be excessive, and permanent for all time.

Of the same mind is Areteus, Alexander Tertullianus, Guianerius, Savanarola, Heurnius; and Galen himself writes promiscuously of them both by reason of their affinity: but most of our neoterics do handle them apart, whom I will follow in this treatise.

Phlebotomy is promiscuously used before and after physic, commonly before, and upon occasion is often reiterated, if there be any need at least of it.

However, he did not do this promiscuously and even expunged the names of some for licentiousness and of others for poverty when they could give no adequate reason for it.

In that remote region, where there are but few white inhabitants, large bands of hostile and predatory Indians roam promiscuously over the Mexican States of Chihuahua and Sonora and our adjoining Territories.

Trees and other plants are crowded together so promiscuously, that Nature seems to be striving to collect into one space every possible variety of species.

Low hills rise in a semicircle from the horizon, half concealed by a curtain of mist, and a few green islands scattered about promiscuously are occupied by hospitals, military barracks, villas and plantations.

She watched them cluster by a bench before the cookhouse, dabble their faces and hands in washbasins, scrub themselves promiscuously on towels, sometimes one at each end of a single piece of cloth, hauling it back and forth in rude play.

All colors are mingled in it promiscuously.

"Their huts are sometimes comfortable, but generally they are miserable hovels, where male and female are herded promiscuously together.

The sexes were huddled together promiscuously.

They live promiscuously, are drunken, licentious, and poverty-stricken,a body of most squalid and miserable human beings.

THE LABOR OF THE SLAVES Males and females work together promiscuously on all the plantations.

7. Thirty-three "additional principles;" which are thrown together promiscuously, because he could not class them.

"In some cases we can use either the nominative or accusative promiscuously.

The Belgians have thrown open their houses, and officers and soldiers are promiscuously placed in their decorated salons, and served with equal assiduity.

Nothing is more difficult in that city, than to make acquaintances; There are no places where people meet and converse promiscuously: There is a reservedness and gravity in the manner of the inhabitants, which makes a stranger averse to approach them.

But from the pace they swallow pie And other food promiscuously, One would infer they eat to die.

The latter item is specially important, since much of the nicking of dishes and breaking of handles from cups, covers, and pitchers is the result of piling dishes promiscuously together while washing.

You'd do him a good turn, wouldn't you?" "You bet!" said Lance, with a sudden emotion that quite startled him; "only don't you go to throwing yourself round promiscuously."

Africans were poured in to obviate these difficulties, and these were bought promiscuously by all.

141 examples of  promiscuously  in sentences