10 examples of pronounciation in sentences

Even when at home, and about his commonest "chores," he was all the while struggling with what he called his "pronounciation."

"I's been mighty partikler 'bout de pronounciation," he said to himself, "specially in wot I wrote to Mr. Morris, but I'd like to see dem all read dem letters.

" "Cap'n Dab," said Dick, "dey jes' knock all de correck pronounciation out ob me, dey does.

At my first sitting to read to him, observing that I used the English pronounciation; he told me, "If I would have the benefit of the Latin tongue, not only to read and understand Latin authors, but to converse with foreigners, either abroad or at home; I must learn the foreign pronounciation.

At my first sitting to read to him, observing that I used the English pronounciation; he told me, "If I would have the benefit of the Latin tongue, not only to read and understand Latin authors, but to converse with foreigners, either abroad or at home; I must learn the foreign pronounciation.

But this change of pronounciation proved a new difficulty to me.

And being himself both skilful and curious in pronounciation; he was very desirous to have them well grounded in the rudiments of the English tongue.

Horatio understood the language perfectly well, having conversed so long with Swedes, but never could attain to a perfect pronounciation of it, so replied in French, that he knew the prince could speak French, and he would therefore answer to any interrogatories his highness should be pleased to make without the help of an interpreter.

Perhaps, too, the pronounciation in here suited to the character."

Napoleon Buonaparte" (Italian pronounciation) "will make good every arpent within the next two years.

10 examples of  pronounciation  in sentences