1872 examples of restraint in sentences

The Count did not observe it: women, being accustomed at all times to hold themselves in restraint, are always able, even in the most extraordinary cases, to maintain an apparent composure; but she heard not a word more of what the Count said, though he went on speaking.

He was utterly lost in her; no other thought ever rose before him; no conscience disturbed him; every restraint which had been laid upon his nature burst loose.

Rather, as he went further and further on, he felt the restraint under which his friend and his wife seemed to be holding him the more intolerable.

Cycle, who is neither so young nor so handsome as Starlight, very gravely maintained, that all the perplexity may he avoided by leaping over eleven days in the reckoning; and, indeed, if it should come only to this, I think the new style is a delightful thing; for my mamma says I shall go to court when I am sixteen, and if they can but contrive often to leap over eleven days together, the months of restraint will soon be at an end.

Only religion, the taboos, held them in any restraint.

One could hardly expect from the heathen Tahitians moral restraint.

There was none of the stiff restraint most churches have.

There was no restraint.

So we rolled about on the grass, climbed over fences, and rambled through the woods without fear or restraint.

The P.M.G.'s laconic answer to this monstrous request, "I do not think it would be expedient," was highly commendable as a feat of Ministerial restraint.

The sunrises and sunsets, with their magic aspects, this luxuriant tropical vegetation, the magnificent and picturesque scenery of his island, awaken in him only a feeling of restraint, an uneasiness which he cannot define.

For she seemed like one that has burst the bonds of all restraint, and thrown all consideration to the eight quarters of the world.

He did not once mention religion to them at that first meeting, though he had to exercise considerable self-restraint to prevent himself from doing so.

Day by day he unwittingly became less sure of the moral beauty of restraint, and ardours which he had never dreamed of began to flame free of his soul.

In the North, Nature displays a certain restraint even in her most flamboyant moods: the green fires of spring temper their sensuousness in chill winds, and autumn is rich in suggestion not of love, but of gracious age, having the aloof beauty of age and its true estimates of life.

He publicly declared himself in favor of "a due and moderate restraint and punishing" of some of the oddities of the Quakers.

Humbly kneeling before the altar, she would assist at several masses during the day; but at twilight she cast off every restraint, and careless of what was due, alike to her sex and to her rank, she plunged into the grossest dissipation; and after having played the guest at a riotous banquet, she might be seen sharing in the disgraceful orgies of a masquerade.

"However I'll exercise self-restraint.

"Yes, sir," said Wilbur, and did so with an admirable restraint, such as Winona would have applauded, nibbling politely at one of the sandwiches.

Among other things because it would repudiate the accursed worship of pinching self-restraint that was one of the incessant stresses between them.

Nay ratherthou hast ever shown thyself A formidable man, without restraint; Hast exercised the full prerogatives Of thy impetuous nature, which had been Once granted to thee.

But the artist and his friend, as they approached, exclaimed aloud at the beauty of the scene; for, as if rejoicing in their freedom from restraint, the roses had claimed the dwelling, so neglected by man, as their own.

A few quick signs were exchanged between chair and settees, the ice was broken, the "lodge was opened in due form;" there was no longer any restraint, for we were all members of the most ancient fraternal order on earth, of which the wisest man who ever lived was founder.

Tea was brought; the conversation became even more free from restraint than before.

One of the great benefits arising from the discoveries of Delsarte is the reconciliation of freedom and restraint.

1872 examples of  restraint  in sentences