6 examples of samee in sentences

"You lemme go chop-chop (quickly), or you get alle samee hurtyou sabby?" scowled Chow Hop, using his free hand to raise a heavy flat-iron menacingly.

Maybe alle samee somebody sickee?"

The start had puzzled him, yet he murmured hopefully: "Maybe all samee Lamblin' Kid he beatee hell out of 'em yet!"

Quashee, or Ramee-Samee, who knows nothing of Sir Isaac Newton, John Milton, or Fraser's Magazine, grins from ear to ear at the name of the illustrious banker, and with gratified voice exclaims, "Him dam funny, dat Sam!"

"The way they do it, yuh start in and go over the map all samee flea; yuh lease a section here and there and skip one and take the next, and so on, and then if yuh need to yuh throw a fence around the whole blame chunkand there yuh are.

Allee samee bimeby, Missy, I make you tea."

6 examples of  samee  in sentences