720 examples of set about in sentences

Each day he will set about the duty which lies nearest him, with a whole heart and with a single eye, giving himself to it for the time, as if there was nothing else to be done in the world.

whose only occupation [I understand this to mean the occupation of Wethern, but possibly it means of Finch] is, when he arrives at a town or other place, to set about sketching, and then colouring, so that he has perhaps the most complete collection of sketches of his tour possible.

As for Nick, the instant his companion was seated, and he had got a position to his mind, he set about his business with great assiduity.

" Then in order to have a water-tight reason for remaining in the room he pulled off his boots and trousers, fished a housewife from a cantena, and set about repairing a rip in his trousers.

They speak not with words, but with shape and structure, and manner of life, and the things they set about; they express themselves, to an intelligent observer, in a very pleasing and entertaining fashion.

He felt great relief even when this hopeless course was decided upon, and set about making himself an encampment with some degree of cheerfulness.

She thought that work among the poor of London might help her; but her time was so taken up both with looking after the younger children and by society that she seems to have got no further than wondering how to set about it.

Such things made me think that a poor old sinner like me would never get out at all, if I didn't set about it in earnest,though it a'n't all nuns that save their souls either.

Ordinarily he would have set about preparing supper before the coming of the dark, but now he watered and saddled his cowpony, a durable little buckskin, and with a touch of the spurs sent him at a pitching gallop down the slope.

Our business, our unsentimental business, is to set about establishing such conditions that they will so die out.

Two men set about hoisting on the tall flag-staff the blood-red banner of the Company.

He was roused with difficulty, and set about his work in a dull, unwilling, lethargic way, which promised badly for his tips from those he was supposed to serve.

After he left, I leaned my elbow on the dusty window-sill and lounged there awhile, watching him as he trotted busily down the deserted street; then, rousing myself, I stretched my weary limbs and set about arranging my desk, closing the safe, etc.

She did not stop to ask herself, as she might well have done, how it was that she had so completely ignored this particular institution, which was one of the largest and best conducted in the country, especially when her desire to visit one was so keen; but she straightway set about preparing for her intended visit in a manner which she fancied Miss Crofutt would have approved, had she been present.

He began to feel the need of hymns, and, since he could find in French none that had associations for himself, he set about translating some of the more familiar ones, mostly those of a militant nature.

He would have given a good deal to persuade her to leave Wyndfell Hall; but he didn't know how to set about it.

Here, by means of rubbing and chafing, with a little more buffeting, he was restored to some degree of heat, on seeing which, Meetuck uttered a quiet grunt and immediately set about preparing supper.

On such subjects she cannot set about contradicting anybody.

"Those that set about repairing the walls."Barclay cor.

The task at present before him was that of obtaining a footing in the house at Chesterton, and the more he thought of it the more he was at a loss to know how to set about it.

When we reached La Guayraand the voyage seemed to me a never-ending oneI immediately set about finding a vessel bound for England.

Of course she at once set about examining the bedstead, and found that the lower part of it was hollow and contained a treasure.

Indeed, I deliberately set about learning to play the guitar well enough to become eligible for membership in the Banjo Cluband this for no more aesthetic purpose than to place myself in line for the position of manager, to which I was later elected.

'Very good,' said I. 'How d'you propose to set about it?'

" "But how would you set about discovering which was which?" said Barthrop.

720 examples of  set about  in sentences