296 examples of sloughed in sentences

(Infantryan organization of military infantshas on the contrary sloughed its reproach and now enshrines the dignity of lowliness.)

She was a proud, imperious woman, who, instead of seeking to wean Addison from his convivial habits, (if such habits in any excessive measure were his,) drove him deeper into the slough by her bitter words and haughty carriage.

It became a squalid grove of Ashtoreth; but now, in the autumn evening, all the petty obscenities of white and black sloughed away amid the religious implications of the dark-green aisles.

" Christian and Pliable walked on together, without looking whither they were going, and in the midst of the plain they fell into a very miry slough, which was called the Slough of Despond.

" Christian and Pliable walked on together, without looking whither they were going, and in the midst of the plain they fell into a very miry slough, which was called the Slough of Despond.

" With a desperate effort he got out of the mire, and went back, leaving Christian alone in the Slough of Despond.

On Jan. 24th I went with my wife to Norwich, on a visit to Prof. Sedgwick, and in June I visited Sir J. Herschel at Slough.

So we rode back, along the Cocal and along that wonderful green glade, where I, staring at Noranteas in tree-tops, instead of at the ground beneath my horse's feet, had the pleasure of being swallowed upmy horse's hindquarters at leastin the very same slough which had engulfed M-'s mule three days before, and got a roll in much soft mud.

Then to proceed to Slough or Salt Hill, or to Eton, to deliver there a petition to the Duke of Cumberland, who is then to present it to the King, and the people are to wait for an answer.

It is a remarkable fact that the intermediate bones sloughed away, and the arm, connected only by flesh and muscle, was still, by means of a silver tube affixed around it, capable of exertion.

It has got in the Slough of Despond.

Our attention is centred on Thaddeus's struggle to take his wife's misdeed upon himself; and his failure cannot be described as a peripety, seeing that it sinks him only one degree lower in the slough of despair.

The blue ranks lock with the ranks of gray, Stab and stagger and sob and sway; The living cringe from the shrapnel bursts, The dying moan of their burning thirsts, Moan and die in the gulping slough Where are the butterfly ladies now? PATLANDER.

He is fine everyway now, has really sloughed off the past just as he promised he would.

Don't it bring to you a magnificent picture of the pristine world,great seas and other skies,a world of accentuated crises, that sloughed off age after age, and rose fresher from each plunge?

In favourable cases the necrosed piece of tendon is sloughed off by the process of suppuration, and escapes with the discharges from the wound.

Always, however, it is found that the portion to be sloughed off, while easily separated from the tissues adjacent to its sides, is closely connected on its lowermost or deeper face with the structures below, and cannot be torn away without hæmorrhage and the causing of acute pain.

If torn forcibly away, we in all probability leave in the bottom of the wound remnants of the dead tissue, which, being small and consequently less productive of inflammatory phenomena, are not so readily sloughed as the larger portion.


They sloughed their skins like reptiles, but on account of their cylindrical shape were able to perform this operation with the facility of a leg that abandons its stocking.

LECTURE II Note 1, page 50.The difference is that the bad parts of this finite are eternal and essential for absolutists, whereas pluralists may hope that they will eventually get sloughed off and become as if they had not been.

But The'ry is jes' like a train on the rail, Thet, weather or no, puts her thru without fail, While Fac's the ole stage thet gits sloughed in the ruts, An' hez to allow for your darned efs an' buts, An'

She knew how they sloughed from the inexhaustible ice-cap of Greenland's bleak continent and marched, stately as an army, down the mighty plain of the ocean.

Is its historic life, with all its accumulation of creed and custom, not a process of Christianization, in which much has been sloughed off at every new birth of the world?

The mule, Casey said, was just plain damn mule, sloughed off from the army, blasé beyond words,any words at Casey's command, at least.

296 examples of  sloughed  in sentences