7 examples of sterno in sentences

Easily seen and felt under the skin in thin persons, on turning the head to one side, is the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, which passes obliquely down on each side of the neck to the collar boneprominent in sculpture and painting.

With the head slightly bent forwards, grasp between the fingers of the right hand the edge of the left sterno-cleido-mastoid, just above the collar bone.

" " " " Sterno-cleido-mastoid. depresses head upon neck and neck upon chest.

The position of the sterno-mastoid muscle as an important and interesting landmark of the neck has already been described (p. 70).

The sartorius is one of the fleshy landmarks of the thigh, as the biceps is of the arm, and the sterno-cleido-mastoid of the neck.

About one inch above the clavicle, near the outer border of the sterno-mastoid, we can feel the pulsation of the great subclavian artery.

Or si comincia la battaglia fiera, Con aspri colpi, di taglio e di ponta; Ciascun è di prodezza una lumiera, E sterno insieme, com'il libro conta, Da

7 examples of  sterno  in sentences