16 examples of table-napkin in sentences

Her table-napkins alone, they say, cost thirty-six dollars a dozen, un-monogrammed.

Ranald came to help her in his quiet, gentlemanly way, dabbing up the thick brown stream with his table-napkin.

I feared, perhaps, the way they managed their table-napkins" "Not at all.

But Biggleswade rubbed the pane with his table-napkin and gazed apprehensively at the prospect.

Then he asked with sly intention, "Have you the champagne and chicken sandwich ration which is apportioned to super-inspectors?" I handed it to him with a table-napkin (unused) and a pair of wire-cutters thrown in.

*** Table-napkins have been forbidden in Berlin and special ear-protectors for use at meal-times are said to be enjoying a brisk sale.

At Blois, as he handed the queen-mother her table-napkin at dinner-time, he asked her if he might have an audience of her after the repast.

Baratinski and Teplof then passed a table-napkin with a sliding knot round his neck, and the murderers accomplished the work of death by strangling him.

He used his handkerchief for a table-napkin, and made great play with it as they do in banquets on the stage.

In the first place there was your table napkinwhat did you do with that when you sat down at table?' "'What did I do with my table-napkin?

No one shakes, spreads, and fastens a table-napkin in that manner.

As soon as you are seated at table, remove your gloves, place your table-napkin across your knees, and remove the roll which you find probably within it to the left side of your plate.

In these you may dip the tips of your fingers, wiping them afterwards on your table-napkin.

"'What did I do with my table-napkin?

No one shakes, spreads, and fastens a table-napkin in that manner.

In these you may dip the tips of your fingers, wiping them afterwards on your table-napkin.

16 examples of  table-napkin  in sentences