7932 examples of thins in sentences

The show is gone; it thins apace, And looks with quite another face.

The partition was too thin and Jack Harpe's ears were too long and sharp for him to risk even the tiniest of whispers.

"Seen Jack Harpe around anywheres?" Luke Tweezy's thin and sandy eyebrows lifted up in what would pass with almost any one for surprise.

At last this secret is explored; 'Tis our corruption thins the hoard.

Great wits are sure to madness near allied, And thin partitions do their bounds divide; Else why should he, with wealth and honor blest, Refuse his age the needful hours of rest? Punish a body which he could not please; Bankrupt of life, yet prodigal of ease?

Though it professes to defend the Anglican Church, that institution fares perhaps worse than the others; for nothing is left to her but a thin cloak of custom under which to hide her alleged hypocrisy.

"When your servants, tired of seeing Such a face of want and woe, Turning to the ragged orphan, Gave him coin, and bade him go, Down his cheeks so thin and wasted Bitter tears began to flow.

Thin, he an' thim with him, stharted in an' mhurdered thim wan an' all as they slep'.

An' sence thin 'tis death to any, so they say, to pass the night in the castle whin the bhlood-dhrip comes.

'Twill put out candle an' fire, an' thin in the darkness the Virgin Herself would be powerless to protect ye.' "Wentworth told me he laughed at this; chiefly because, as he put it:'One always must laugh at that sort of yarn, however it makes you feel inside.'

After that, we stretched thin piano wire across the cellar, about nine inches from the floor, at such a height that it should catch anything moving about in the dark.

As we returned, I called in at an ironmonger's, where I bought some thin hemp rope and an iron rack pulley, like those used in Lancashire for hauling up the ceiling clothes racks, which you will find in every cottage.

"I stared in a bewildered way 'round the cellar; there were thin lines of vague fire crossing the floor in all directions; and suddenly I remembered the piano wire that the landlord and I had stretched.

She was not one of those creatures that a man meets with sometimescreatures who are for ever on the watch to pounce, and who are incapable of making allowances for any male frailtysmooth, smiling creatures, with thin lips, hair a little scanty at the front, and a quietly omniscient 'don't-tell-me' tone.

Then she opened the door, and saw, in the gloom, a short, thin woman standing on the step, a woman of advanced middle-age, dressed with a kind of shabby neatness.

"My dear, I was on the brink of suicide when I saw your name in the visitors' list," she explained; and Undine felt like answering that she had nearly reached the same pass when the Princess's thin little hand had been held out to her.

As when the cause goes hard, the guilty man Excepts, and thins his jury all he can; So when you stand of other aid bereft, You to the Twelve Apostles would be left.

Engender War; which thins, and segregates, And rectifies the balance of the world: As thick-sown plants in the vegetable world, With stretching branches wage continual War; Each tender bud shrinks from the foreign touch With a degree of sensitive perception; Till one deforms, o'er-tops, and kills the other.

It had a carpet of velvet-like grass, too, a rare thins for the Reef, on the outside of the crater.

Otherwise the web of stratus which hangs over us thickens and thins, rises and falls with very bewildering uncertainty.

As the fruit becomes developed, the pellicle thins, becomes transparent, and allows both light and heat to exercise a more marked influence.

The various experiences through which she passes, the various viewpoints which she holds until she comes finally to realize that service for others is the only thins that counts, are told with that same intimate knowledge of character, that healthy optimism and the belief in the ultimate goodness of mankind that have distinguished all of this author's writing.

He was sorry, with the skin-deep commiseration of youth for those who fall, whose falling thins the crowded ranks of competition.

The sea-breath in the New-England States thins the air and bleaches the sky, sucks the vitality out of Nature, I fancy, to put it into the brains of the people: but here, the earth every day in the year pulses out through hill or prairie or creek a full, untamed animal life,shakes off the snow too early in spring, in order to put forth untimed and useless blossoms, wasteful of her infinite strength.

I. At twenty we fancied the blest Middle Ages A spirited cross of romantic and grand, All templars and minstrels and ladies and pages, And love and adventure in Outre-Mer land; But, ah, where the youth dreamed of building a minster, The man takes a pew and sits reckoning his pelf, And the Graces wear fronts, the Muse thins to a spinster, When Middle-Age stares from one's glass at himself! II.

7932 examples of  thins  in sentences