235 examples of twilight of in sentences

In the twilight of the forecastle we had some great sea-lawyer's talksI say "We," though I took little part in them.

Surely, this fierce war of extermination, which caused the loss of three hundred billion dollars in property and thirty millions of human lives, did mark for the time being the "twilight of civilization."

The Poison Maid NOTES THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS Truth fails not, but her outward forms that bear The longest date do melt like frosty rime.

In the dim twilight of that bare interior their faces scarcely appeared natural, and they conversed in undertones.

Lying flat behind a roll of matting, Rudolph could see, as through the gauze twilight of a stage scene, the tossing lights and the skipping men who shouted back and forth, jabbing their spears or pikes down among the bales, to probe the darkness.

" Into the pink twilight of the curtained room came Maxine de Renzie, whose tall and noble figure I recognised in its plain, close-fitting black dress, though her wide brimmed hat was draped with a thickly embroidered veil that completely hid her face, while long, graceful lace folds fell over and obscured the bright auburn of her hair.

The terrified traveller sees a highwayman in what is really a sign-post in the twilight; and in the twilight of knowledge, the terrified philosopher sees a Pestilence foreshadowed by an eclipse.

Since the singular hysterical embrace in the twilight of the kitchen, she had felt for her mother a curious, kind, forbearing, fatalistic indulgence.

The ninety-three windows of stained glass fill the interior with a soft and richly-tinted light, mellower and more gentle than the sombre twilight of the Gothic Cathedrals of Europe.

In the open space round the village, the sun burned their skin and they pushed on as fast as possible for the twilight of the woods.

And in the twilight of the quiet countryside these stern shapes that rode on without turning, lances upstanding from tired shoulders, became strange, grotesque, patheticagain the Germans, legions of the War Lord, come too late into a world which must crush them at last, Knights of the Frightful Adventure, riding to their death.

During this Twilight of Intellects, the Patient is extremely apt, as Love is the most witty Passion in Nature, to offer at some pert Sallies now and then, by way of Flourish, upon the amiable Enchantress, and unfortunately stumbles upon that Mongrel miscreated (to speak in Miltonic) kind of Wit, vulgarly termed, the Punn.

It is the child of contemplation,of that sort of luxurious intellectual mood which has always distinguished the Oriental character, and was first Europeanized in the twilight of the mediæval period.

What a mysterious and subtile pleasure there is in groping back through the early twilight of human history!

And, in the twilight of an early September evening, he went forth to settle the matter that had become the most momentous.

It must be recollected that Eliza Haywood lived in the very twilight of English fiction.

Twilight of a world.

Twilight of a world.

Twilight of honor.

Twilight of honor.

The twilight of the unborn moon was like the horrible twilight of dreams.

On the day of our departure, in the twilight of the morning, I ascended the vehicle with three men and two women, my fellow travellers.

Their works still live all around us in Ireland, spread evenly through the four provinces, a world of the vanished past enduring among us into the present; and, so mightily did these old builders work, and with such large simplicity, that what they built will surely outlast every handiwork of our own day, and endure through numberless to-morrows, bridging the morning and evening twilight of our race.

Twilight of hazy purple fell over the valley of shadows.

There are two equal and eternal ways of looking at this twilight world of ours: we may see it as the twilight of evening or the twilight of morning; we may think of anything, down to a fallen acorn, as a descendant or as an ancestor.

235 examples of  twilight of  in sentences