4 examples of tziganes in sentences

There were Tziganes playing while we dined, and it was all more amusing than anything I have done here yet.

I had been acquainted with Redouza Pasha, and cast an eye about for him amid that invasion of veiled hanums, fierce-looking Caucasians in skins of beasts, a Sheik-ul-Islam in green cloak, a khalifa, three emirs in cashmere turbans, two tziganes, their gaudy brown mortality more glaringly abominable than even the Western's.

"Yes, and one dinner at the Pavilion d'Armenonville to hear the Tziganes" said Bee.

"You know the 'Tziganes,' don't you?those marvellous gentlemen in red coats with sleek dark singlets, exotic complexions, and bold, rolling black eyes.

4 examples of  tziganes  in sentences