16 examples of underplots in sentences

There is a slight underplot which deals with the amours of Aminta, sister to Pisaro, and Alcander.

In her underplots she generally miscarries.

But the underplot bears even clearer traces of Heywood's manner.

Also, by way of underplot, a shopgirl, oppressed by the deadly monotony and narrowness of her life, thinks of escaping from it by marrying a middle-aged widowerand doesn't do it.

Many eighteenth-century comedies are single-adventure plays, or dual-adventure plays, in the sense that the main action sometimes stands aside to let an underplot take the stage.

In such a play, even the old institution of the "underplot" is not inadmissible; though the underplot ought scarcely to be a "plot," but only some very slight thread of interest, involving no strain on the attention.

In such a play, even the old institution of the "underplot" is not inadmissible; though the underplot ought scarcely to be a "plot," but only some very slight thread of interest, involving no strain on the attention.

Arnold, 1903) says: "Our plays, besides the main design, have underplots or by-concernments, of less considerable persons and intrigues, which are carried on with the motion of the main plot; as they say the orb of the fixed stars, and those of the planets, though they have motions of their own, are whirled about by the motion of the primum mobile, in which they are contained."

This is an admirable description of the ideal underplot, as conceived by our forefathers; but we find that two lines of tension jar with and weaken each other.

I have not been able to discover the source of the very curious underplot of The Captives.

Nevertheless, there is a calmness as well as superiority of intellect in Alvar which seem to justify, in some measure, the sort of attempt on his part, which, in fact, constitutes the theme of the play; and it must be admitted that the whole underplot of Isidore and Alhadra is lively and affecting in the highest degree.

Unobserved, they received, and made their own preparations for utilising, the legacy of the mid-Victorian novelmoral thesis, plot, underplot, set characters, descriptive machinery, landscape colouring, copious phraseology, Herculean proportions, and the rest of the cumbrous and grandiose paraphernalia of Chuzzlewit, Pendennis, and Middlemarch.

There is one main intrigue carried out by the high comedy characters, and a secondary intrigue, or underplot, by the low comedy characters.

But the signs and footprints of their underplot are evident.

Thus, again to quote Mr. Homer Smith, it has been held that 'In general the pastoral incidents serve as an underplot, utterly foreign in spirit to the main plot.'

With this inconsequent and unmotived tragedy is interwoven a slight and incongruous underplot of rustic buffoonery.

16 examples of  underplots  in sentences