45 examples of vander in sentences

Reckon I better be steppin' over to Vander's and see can I borry their cow.

A lawyer of Brussels, named Vander Noot, put himself at the head of the malcontents.

Vander Noot, who had escaped to England, soon returned to the Netherlands, and established a committee at Breda, which conferred on him the imposing title of agent plenipotentiary of the people of Brabant.

Vander Mersch, a soldier of fortune, and a man of considerable talents, who had raised himself from the ranks to the command of a regiment, and had been formed in the school of the seven years' war, was appointed to the command of the patriot forces.

Vander Mersch displayed consummate ability in this crisis, where so much depended upon the prudence of the military chief.

Vander Noot and the committee of Breda made an entrance into Brussels with all the pomp of royalty; and in the early part of the following year (1790) a treaty of union was signed by the seven revolted provinces, now formed into a confederation under the name of the United Belgian States.

The violent party which now ruled at Brussels had ungratefully forgotten the eminent services of Vander Mersch, and accused him of treachery, merely from his attachment to the noble views and principles of the widely-increasing party of the Vonckists.

Vander Mersch was instantly arrested and thrown into prison, where he lingered for months, until set free by the overthrow of the faction he had raised to power; but he did not recover his liberty to witness the realization of his hopes for that of his country.

The overtures of the new emperor were rejected with scorn; and, as might be expected from this combination of bigotry and rashness, the imperial troops under General Bender marched quietly to the conquest of the whole country; town after town opening their gates, while Vander Noot and his partisans betook themselves to rapid and disgraceful flight.

Count Styrum, Messieurs Repelaer d'Jonge, Van Hogendorp, Vander Duyn van Maasdam, and Changuion, were the chiefs of the intrepid junta which planned and executed the bold measures of enfranchisement, and drew up the outlines of the constitution which was afterward enlarged and ratified.

Amsterdam and Rotterdam still held back; but the nomination of Messrs. Van Hogendorp and Vander Duyn van Maasdam to be heads of the government, until the arrival of the Prince of Orange, and a formal abjuration of the emperor Napoleon, inspired new vigor into the public mind.

"Should neither of us two marry," I said, "and both die bachelors, what would then be the fate of Clawbonny?" "I have thought of all that, Miles, and here is my answer: Should such a thing happen, and there be no other Wallingford left, then no Wallingford would live to have his feelings hurt by knowing that a Vander-dunder-Schamp, or whatever these Dutchmen ought to be called, is living in his father's house; and no harm would be done.

Vander Creek, Near Cape Town.

Erycius Puteanus (Vander Putten,) added the seventh note to complete the octave, in the sixteenth century.

Dorothy G. Thomas, Alice G. Willis & Rachel Vander Werf (C); 26Jul74; R582301.

By Earl D. Babst & Lewis G. Vander Velde.

Thomas Dev (E of Lewis G. Vander Velde); 29Mar76; R628210. R628211.

By Harry H. Sisler, Calvin A. Vander Werf & Arthur W. Davidson.


Lewis George Vander Velde (A); 6May60; R256585.

By Earl D. Babst & Lewis G. Vander Velde.

Thomas Dev (E of Lewis G. Vander Velde); 29Mar76; R628210. R628211.

By Harry H. Sisler, Calvin A. Vander Werf & Arthur W. Davidson.

About the time of the institution of the Liege Bowmen of the Queen, a new kind of cross-bow was constructed in Holland, by one Vander Foheman, having many advantages over the old one.

[Illustration: Photograph by the Vander Weyde Light LILY LANGTRY]

45 examples of  vander  in sentences