6 examples of warted in sentences

Flowers appearing in June, and succeeded by rough, warted, brilliant scarlet capsules, which are particularly showy and attractive.

Knotted and warted, slabbed and armoured like the hide Of tropic elephant; unstormable and steep As some grim fortress with a princess-pearl inside, Where savage guardian faces beard the bastioned keep: So hard a rind, old tree, shielding so soft a heart A woman's heart of tender little nestling leaves; Nor rind so hard but that a touch so soft can part, And Spring's first baby-bud an easy passage cleaves.

Having found my friend we went together to the Stern Warte, or Observatory, which gives a fine view of the country around the city, and in particular the battle field.

Dame Nature hath her lent A warte upon her cheke, Who so lyst to seke In her vyságe a skar That semyth from afar Lyke to the radiant star, All with favour fret, So properly it is set.

Translation of Ich warte auf Wunder.

Translation of Ich warte auf Wunder.

6 examples of  warted  in sentences