Which preposition to use with reflexion

of Occurrences 16%

Mr. Walsh's other performances, in a volume of the Minor Poets, an Essay on Pastoral Poetry, with a Short Defence of Virgil, against some of the reflexions of M. Fontenellé.

on Occurrences 16%

They are prefaced by some general reflexions on the mischiefs occasioned by the sacra fames auri.

against Occurrences 3%

At the end of them was a piece entitled Clarendon's Housewarming; and after that his Epitaph, both containing bitter reflexions against that earl.

from Occurrences 2%

His head was bald, and shone like a skull in the yellow reflexion from the damask hangings.

in Occurrences 2%

The omission of this Preface, which contained an answer to part of the sermon, and gave her reasons for writing the poem, had occasioned some people to make ill-natured reflexions on it: this put her ladyship on justifying herself, and assuring her readers, that there are no reflexions in it levelled at any particular persons, besides the author of the Sermon; him (says she)

amid Occurrences 1%

Among those quick, strong, fiery people of the eighteenth century, he belonged to another worldto the new world of self-consciousness, and doubt, and hesitation, of mysterious melancholy and quiet intimate delights, of long reflexions amid the solitudes of Nature, of infinite introspections amid the solitudes of the heart.

Which preposition to use with  reflexion