Which preposition to use with shied

of Occurrences 163%

They are tough old Dragons, now, we tell you; perhaps it were best to fight shy of them.

at Occurrences 54%

It is strange, and makes me shy at first; and I have to do what I hardly liketo send for them, not to go to them; but I am told they expect me, as their chief, to require respect.

as Occurrences 23%

To me, shy as startled doe, came she and, with saintly pity sweet, did tend my hurt, which done, with much ado she did hither bring me.

in Occurrences 22%

The Boy stood behind the Colonel, unaccountably shy in the presence of the only white woman he had seen in nearly seven months.

with Occurrences 21%

He was until late in his teens painfully shy with grown people and strangers; even under the eyes of his aunts and with youths of his own age, diffident to awkwardness.

about Occurrences 20%

The habitants were friendly, but very shy about enlisting, in spite of Washington's invitation to 'range yourselves under the standard of general liberty.'

on Occurrences 10%

They were very shy on account of being hunted so much; but after I had been silent and motionless for half an hour or so they began to venture out of their holes and to feed on the seeds of the grasses and thistles around me as if I were no more to be feared than a tree-stump.

like Occurrences 7%

He found her charmingintelligent and cultivated and so easynot at all stiff and shy like so many royalties.

before Occurrences 7%

Then there was another complaint against me; that I was so shy before strangers.

than Occurrences 4%

My sister was more shy than me; never having lived in London was the reason of that.

from Occurrences 3%

On the way they met the "funeral dog," who glanced inquiringly at Satan, shied from the mastiff, and trotted on.

across Occurrences 2%

And the colt shies across the road, runs up the bank, rears on end; putting itself thereby, as many a man does, in real danger.

after Occurrences 2%

They tried to fight shy after having accepted, I suppose because they considered it infra dig.

towards Occurrences 2%

These birds get very shy towards the end of the month, in consequence of being repeatedly fired at.

amid Occurrences 1%

Thereupon the goddess, having called the youth to us, began to speak in these words: 'Agape, most dear to me, this youth, Apyros by name, whom thou seest thus shy amid our glades, shall satisfy thy longing; but see that with care thou preserve inviolate our fires, which in thy heart thou shalt bear with thee hence.'

outside Occurrences 1%

As she grew older if she had wished to escape she would not have dared, would not have known how; for she was shy outside the family circle, and could hardly move or talk; people thought her insignificant.

over Occurrences 1%

Shy over those letters!

for Occurrences 1%

I Watch Swift Pictures I WATCH swift pictures flash and fade On the closed curtains of my eyes, A bit of river green as jade Under green skies; A single bird that soars and dips Remote; a young and secret moon Stealing to kiss some flower's lips Too shy for noon; A pointing tree; a lifted hill, Sun-misted with a golden ring, Were these once mine?

throughout Occurrences 1%

A man singularly retiring and shy throughout his life.

to Occurrences 1%

"Do I seem shy to you?"

around Occurrences 1%

With sobered faces they shied around me as I strode past, and when fairly safe broke into a run for camp.

into Occurrences 1%

The drunken driver never has any trouble; his horses do not stop, turn about, or shy into the ditch; the man asleep on the box is perfectly safe; his horse ambles on, minding its own business, giving a full half of the road to the approaching machine.

under Occurrences 1%

She was silent and shy under those falcon eyes; but she was still the same Mary, the girl to whom pretence or simulation of any kind was impossible.

Which preposition to use with  shied