10 Verbs to Use for the Word acolyte

His Eminence, closing his eyes, fancied himself once more the restless acolyte of fifty years before; the blue spirals from his cigarette seemed to carry his thoughts back through the interminable labyrinths of the past.

There is an obliterated inscription and small etched figuresamong them an acolyte carrying a cross, one of those whose services are mentioned in the accounts after this wise: "to the crosebeirer and torchebeirer, for Seynt George day, hollieroode day, shire thuresday and Whit Sunday, 12d.; to 2 childern for the same dayes 6d.

And going on in front the acolytes Bore in the Grail in heavy covered shrine.

The Christian fathers practised reserve for the sake of leading the acolyte the more surely to the fulness of truth.

" "Yes, but it was so fat, and so uncleanly, holy father," replied the young acolyte, "and it smelt so.

" "But lilies don't look well on the refectory table, and against the adobe wall," returned the acolyte, with a pout of a spoilt child; "and surely the flowers cannot help being sweet, any more than myrrh or incense.

Among the latter, the sight of whom grieved me especially, because Jesus so loved children, I saw many irreverent, ill-behaved acolytes, who did not honour our Lord in the holy ceremonies in which they took a part.

Last, out of the Minster come tumbling two little acolytes in red, and after them, PETER the Sacristan.

If any one was stricken with sickness in the night, or suddenly seized for death in those pale hours when the day hovers, half-born, over the slumbering earth, Fra Pacifico must rise and wake his acolyte, the baker's boy, who, going late to bed, was hard to rouse.

He turned quickly and beheld one of those "heathens" against whom he had just warned his young acolyte; one of that straggling band of adventurers whom the recent gold discoveries had scattered along the coast.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  acolyte