52 Verbs to Use for the Word attainments

Truly modest and worthy persons often exhibit virtues and possess attainments so much allied to their nature as to be themselves unconscious of the treasures.

But hence it became a metaphorical expression to mean merely the attainment of majority, and in this sense seems to have been very generally understood and not uncommonly used.

In the mean time, if his own countrymen should be found to take an interest in this great cause, it was not improbable that a committee might be formed in Paris, to endeavour to secure the attainment of the same object from the government in France.

In order to obtain such information as might serve to facilitate its attainment, the Secretary of State was directed in July last to apply to persons versed in science and familiar with the subject of public education for their views as to the mode of disposing of the fund best calculated to meet the intentions of the testator and prove most beneficial to mankind.

They appear peculiarly to reverence and desire intellectual attainments.

"But," men say, "many people profess law who know nothing about it; but even the very men who have acquired eloquence conceal their attainment of it, because wisdom is a thing agreeable to men, but eloquence is suspected by them."

This play was in much esteem in those days; the Jew's part being performed by Mr. Edward Alleyn, the greatest player of his time, and a man of real piety and goodness; he founded and endowed Dulwich hospital in Surry; he was so great an actor, that Betterton, the Roscius of the British nation, used to acknowledge that he owed to him those great attainments of which he was master.

We have ventured quite frankly to point out three items in your present programme, which seem to us likely to hinder the attainment of your true ideals for Indian greatness.

Thinking is the power to take up life where the race has left off attainment, and to lead the race one step farther on, by a new concept or idea.

So the greatest boon that follows the attainment of extreme old age is euthanasia,an easy death, not ushered in by disease, and free from all pain and struggle.

One of the best ways to insure the attainment of a higher plane of mental efficiency is to assume an attitude of interestedness.

Its pursuit, accompanied as it is by baneful speculation, lawlessness, gambling, sabbath-breaking, brawls and violence, prevents moral attainment and mental cultivation.

It would be absurd to claim for the ancients any great attainments in science, such as they made in the field of letters or the realm of art.

What sufferings, to purchase the favor of God, or to realize the attainment of pious curiosity!

This event marks for the Jews the attainment of absolute political freedoma privilege which they continued to enjoy for a little over half a century.

This enumeration includes all the attainments that have ever been in the common possession of the human family.

But this supposition involves great mathematical attainments.

She decided to leave the decision concerning her son's future to Wieck, who, knowing Schumann's attainments and promise, voted for music.

We must endeavour, my lords, by just degrees, to withdraw their affections from this pernicious enjoyment, by making the attainment of it every year somewhat more difficult: but we must not quicken their wishes, and exasperate their resentment, by depriving them at once of their whole felicity.

To my question, how he could, at his age, have mastered so many attainments, his reply was, that with his three teachers, "every thing might be learned, common sense alone excepted, the peculiar and rarest gift of Providence.

Walpole speaks in praise of her portraits and also mentions her unusual attainments in languages.

"Nor has he neglected those more solid attainments which should ever distinguish the well-bred gentleman, for he is an excellent general scholar, and particularly well-read in the literature of the middle ages.

Having fully stated these claims to consideration and respect, he deemed it proper to notice also his convivial attainments: he added accordingly, with cautious approval on so important a point"And he is a fair drinker.

On the other hand, he may overvalue his attainments, possessions, connections, etc.

It is by no means that versatility which distinguishes so many second-rate geniuses, which inclines to the selection of many pursuits, but seldom permits the attainment of distinguished excellence in one.

52 Verbs to Use for the Word  attainments