37 Verbs to Use for the Word dimes

And he went off to Cornelius, and caught him in the act of giving two dimes to a blind beggar.

But, when we fell into these troublous times, He cared for nothing but to save his dimes.

He remarked, "She won't spend that dime you gave her.

Other children can go to the 'movies' after supper, only me-e-e" "Here, honey; Loo's got a dime for you.

"You're des a pig, Saty," said Dinnie, but with a sigh for the candy that was not to be, Dinnie opened the door, and Satan, to her wonder, rushed to the counter, put his forepaws on it, and dropped from his mouth a dime.

Her head is red, her face a trifle freckled, her body's so stout that the girt of a mule wouldn't encircle her waist," and here Terrence winked, "She plays on the wash-board an illigant tune, for which she charges a half a dime a garment.

"Every one of my children wears a silver dime on a string around their leg, to keep off the witches spell.

Haven't I got my name all over town for speed, just because I've always had to rustle out and try to learn how to flatten out a dime to the size of a dollar?

when at last she said yer might? Do yer 'member how yer bought 'em, weeks and weeks ahead of time, After savin' all yer pennies till they footed up a dime?

He sank his hand into his pants pocket and fumbled a solitary dime.

She laid a second palm, on the upraised booty, made one whole revolution, her soft crinoline ballooning and subsiding with a seductive swish as she paused: "And you shall share these blessings, grannie, love, although of the assets themselves"she returned the bag to its sanctuary and smoothed the waist where the paper proceeds of the schoolmistress's gold still hid"you shall never handle a dime."

If she held out even a dime, she got a beating.

he asked the composer when that aggrieved gentleman, jingling a few dimes, returned to the equipage of melody.

Mr. Heatherbloom laid down a dime at the ticket office.

" Everybody in the place came up now and formed a circle around the group and watched the Object count out eighty-five cents into the waiter's hand, which left him just one dime to himself.

" "Shucks, he wouldn't lend him a dime.

To-morrow he would not especially need that dime.

I ain't owing you a dime, you know.

We somewhat respect a man who can preach for years without pocketing a single dime, and contribute regularly towards a church which gives him no salary, and never intends doing.

She scolded, coaxed, even promised him a dime if he would do better.

He reached down and picked it up, and when he straightened himself he pulled out a dime and handed it to the beggar, who, instead of accepting the proffered donation, disdainfully pushed aside the hand holding the alms and stepping closer he almost insultingly leered into Joe's face.

He received the dime and the pennies with a pleasant grin and a (grandmother prompted) "Thank you".

To refuse the dime she might have offered, as all true scouts refuse all tips, would have been easier than to earn it by walking five miles, with the sun at ninety-nine degrees, and carrying excess baggage.

How I wish that all of you who sent in your half dimes for them, could look in upon that nailer's family circle when they open the letter and see two bright gold sovereigns for the little ones.

After these had been duly admired, with some misgivings on my part, Ian jumped up suddenly, clapping his hand to his pocket, and coming close, so that he could rest upon my knee, he began pulling out shining new dimes and quarters, until his hands, moist and trembling with excitement, could hold no more, and he poured the coins into my lap.

37 Verbs to Use for the Word  dimes