8 Verbs to Use for the Word expletive

She slowly drew forth a paper, and handed it to her uncle, who opened it, read it with a stare, and uttered his usual expletive.

even if he does not use a stronger expletive.

At times in the day, when trade is very busy, the visitor may hear choice expletives in three or four languages at one time.

One wheel had fallen from the wagon, and the wagonmaster was jumping up and down, shouting angry expletives at the ox.

Sadly often they added the tritest three-monosyllabled expletive known to red-hot English.

He voiced other expletives, too, even more forcefully indicative of surprise.

Pap exploded his favourite expletive till it sounded ferocious, "That ain't quare feelin's.

(Bill, you will observe, had reached the end of real blasphemy and was forced to improvise milder expletives as he went along.)

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  expletive